27 czerwca 2014 roku w piatek przytargalam swoje dwie pomaranczowe walizki na lotnisko Chopina w Warszawie.W bagazu podrecznym mialam metalowe zabawki w zwiazku z czym pojawilo sie zamieszanie przy odprawie. Pan przy odprawie zapytal mnie gdzie lece, na co odpowiedzialam, ze do Stanow. Polecil mi zebym lepiej wyrzucila to co tam mam i tak tez zrobilam z wielkim smutkiem na twarzy nie moglam sobie darowac jak wielka bezmyslnoscia sie wykazalam, znajac przeciez wrazliwosc Amerykanow zwiazana z bezpieczenstwem. Wsiadlam do samolotu. Po prawie 9 godzinach lotu wyladowalam na lotnisku JFK w Nowym Jorku. To juz drugi raz w USA po zeszlorocznej przygodzie w ramach au pair Przede mna 17 godzin oczekiwania na kolejny lot do Nowego Orleanu Chcialam skorzystac z wi fi lub kupic internet w lotniskowym kiosku. Myslalam ze jest to proste do spelnienia. Okazalo sie jednak, ze znalezienie wi fi na tak ogromnym miedzynarodowym lotnisku w Stanach Zjednoczonych graniczy z cudem. W kiosku spotkalam sie ze zdziwieniem o jaki pakiet internetowy mi chodzi? Zaczelam odczuwac przerazenie …. jak skontakuje sie z moja rodzina i przyjaciolmi … w koncu czekaja na znak zycia kupilam wiec karte do budki telefonicznej zadzwonilam do Pana M. i polecilam mu natychmiastowe poinformowanie calej mojej rodziny i znajomych poprzez FB, ze zyje. Bylam niezwykle zmeczona, spiaca i zla, ze musze czekac tyle godzin na kolejny lot …Probowalam czytac 50 twarzy Greya, ktore dostalam od swoich przyjaciolek mojej Kachy i Paulinki, ale glowa spadala mi na ksiazke i nic z tego nie wyszlo. Przy sobie mialam dwa bagaze i torebke z komputerem, dokumentami i innymi wartosciowymi dla mnie rzeczami. Kierujac sie swoja intuicja wybralam sobie dziewczyne, ktora siedziala naprzeciwko mnie i czytala ksiazka. Podeszlam do niej i zapytalam czy moge sie przysiasc ze swoimi bagazami i troche pospac Dziewczyna nie widziala najmniejszego problemu. Obstawilam sie bagazami wyciagnelam swoj recznik kapielowy i poszlam spac. Spalam moze godzine. Po godzinie obudzilam sie i razem z Meksykanka, ktora pilnowala moich bagazy podczas gdy ja spalam postanowilysmy sie sobie przedstawic Zaczelysmy rozmawiac, potem spacerowac. Okazalo sie, ze ta mila dziewczyna z Meksyku jest spiewaczka operowa, ktora leci wlasnie do Chicago do szkoly muzycznej. Nastepnie dolaczyl do nas mlody Hiszpan, prawie doktor nauk medycznych, lecacy do Nikaraguy na staz. Czas oczekiwania moich hiszpansko jezycznych znajomych na nastepny lot byl nieco krotszy niz moj. Razem spedzilismy bardzo mily czas, wszyscy razem stwierdzilismy, ze kochamy podroze za takie wlasnie chwile :):) Po pozegnaniu moich nowych znajomych udalam sie na terminal 4, z ktorego mialam kolejny lot do Nowego Orleanu. Uparcie probowalam polaczyc sie z wi fi. Niestety nie udalo mi sie. Usiadlam kolo amerykanskiej Chinki, ktora zapytalam czy ma polaczenie z wi fi. Chinka odpowiedziala, ze nie. Stwierdzilam, ze w takim razie czas na drzemke. Po kilku minutach Chinka obudzila mnie, ze udalojej sie zlapac wi fi i uzycza mi komputer, abym mogla skontaktowac sie ze swiatem:D Z radoscia skorzystalam z jej oferty Po oczekiwaniu na terminalu nr 4, wsiadlam do samolotu aby przezyc swoje ostatnie 3 godziny lotu. Lot byl niezwykle przyjemny.Obserwowalam tylko kolejne stany, ktore mijalismy. Wyladowalam na lotnisku LA w Nowym Orleanie. Nie moglam znalezc Michaela … stwierdzilam, ze moze zaraz bede musiala kupic bilet powrotny do Polski i przezyc kolejne dwa dni w podrozy, bo Michael o mnie zapomnial podczas oczekiwania na bagaz, moje oczy zostaly zasloniete przez Michaela, ktorego nie zauwazylam. Szepnal mi bardzo romantycznie, ze teraz juz nigdzie mnie nie pusci …. Po przyjezdzie do domu, czekala na mnie nowo orleanska uczta wraz z mocnym alkoholem, bo przeciez Nowy Orlean to stolica alkoholikow w USA ale o tym ciag dalszy nastapi ….
June 27th, 2014, I took my two orange luggage to the Chopin airport in Warsaw. I had "metal toys" in carry-on luggage, that's why during the custom a little confusion arose. The custom officer asked me where am I am flying and I said that I am flying to the US. He recommended me to throw away whatever I have inside, and I did as he told me to do so. I was so sad, that I was so naive of taking metal stuff into the carry-on luggage while knowing an American safe sensitivity. I got on the plane. I landed on JFK airport in New York after almost 9 hours of flight. That is my second time in the US after last year's au pair adventure. I have to wait 17 hours for the next flight to New Orleans. I wanted to use a wi-fi or buy a mobile internet in the airport store, I thought that it will be very easy to do. It turned, that finding a wi-fi on that big international airport in the US is almost like a miracle. The lady in the store was very surprised when I asked her about the mobile internet. She did not know what's that. I was horrified... I was thinking how am I going to contact my family and friends, who are waiting for the sign of life from me. I bought a card for a public phone. I called Mr. M and I told him to contact immediately through the Facebook my family and friends, that I am alive. I was horribly tired, sleepy and angry, that I have to wait that long for the next flight... I was trying to read 50 shades of Grey, which I got from my friends Kasia and Paulina, but my head was falling on the book and it did not work out. I had with me two luggage, a bag with computer, documents and other valuable stuff. I was guided by intuition and I picked a girl, who was sitting in front of me and reading a book. I went to her and I asked her if I could sit next to her and sleep a little bit :D She did not see any problem with that. I surrounded myself with luggage, I took my bath towel and I went to sleep. I slept maybe like an hour. I woke up after one hour, and a Mexican girl, who was looking after my luggage and I introduced each other. We started to talk and walk around. This such a nice Mexican girl is a opera singer, who is just flying to music school in Chicago. We got some company, a young Spaniard, almost a doctor of Medical Sciences, who was flying for the training to Nicaragua. My new Spanish language friends waiting time for the next flight was much shorter then mine. We had a fun time together and we all agreed that we all love to travel for moments like this:) I went to terminal number 4, from where I had a flight to New Orleans, after I said goodbye to my new friends. I was stubbornly trying to connect with wi-fi. I sat next to American China girl and I asked her if she has wi fi connection. She said no. I thought that is time for a nap. China girl woke me up after few minutes and she said that she caught a wi-fi connection. She loaned me a computer so I can contact with the world :D I was so happy! I got on the plane after waiting on terminal number 4 to approach my last 3 hours of flight to New Orleans. The flight was very nice. I was observing states, which we were flying over. I landed on the LA airport in New Orleans. I could not find Michael... I thought, that just in a moment I will be buying a ticket for way back to Poland and being in the air next two days, because Michael forgot about me :D My eyes got covered by Michael, when I was waiting for a luggage. I did not notice him. He romantically whispered into my ear, that from now he will not let me go anywhere... We went to the house and a such a big New Orleans feast was waiting for me there. Alcohol was no missed there, at the end New Orleans is The capital of alcoholics in the US :D but this story will be continued...:)
June 27th, 2014, I took my two orange luggage to the Chopin airport in Warsaw. I had "metal toys" in carry-on luggage, that's why during the custom a little confusion arose. The custom officer asked me where am I am flying and I said that I am flying to the US. He recommended me to throw away whatever I have inside, and I did as he told me to do so. I was so sad, that I was so naive of taking metal stuff into the carry-on luggage while knowing an American safe sensitivity. I got on the plane. I landed on JFK airport in New York after almost 9 hours of flight. That is my second time in the US after last year's au pair adventure. I have to wait 17 hours for the next flight to New Orleans. I wanted to use a wi-fi or buy a mobile internet in the airport store, I thought that it will be very easy to do. It turned, that finding a wi-fi on that big international airport in the US is almost like a miracle. The lady in the store was very surprised when I asked her about the mobile internet. She did not know what's that. I was horrified... I was thinking how am I going to contact my family and friends, who are waiting for the sign of life from me. I bought a card for a public phone. I called Mr. M and I told him to contact immediately through the Facebook my family and friends, that I am alive. I was horribly tired, sleepy and angry, that I have to wait that long for the next flight... I was trying to read 50 shades of Grey, which I got from my friends Kasia and Paulina, but my head was falling on the book and it did not work out. I had with me two luggage, a bag with computer, documents and other valuable stuff. I was guided by intuition and I picked a girl, who was sitting in front of me and reading a book. I went to her and I asked her if I could sit next to her and sleep a little bit :D She did not see any problem with that. I surrounded myself with luggage, I took my bath towel and I went to sleep. I slept maybe like an hour. I woke up after one hour, and a Mexican girl, who was looking after my luggage and I introduced each other. We started to talk and walk around. This such a nice Mexican girl is a opera singer, who is just flying to music school in Chicago. We got some company, a young Spaniard, almost a doctor of Medical Sciences, who was flying for the training to Nicaragua. My new Spanish language friends waiting time for the next flight was much shorter then mine. We had a fun time together and we all agreed that we all love to travel for moments like this:) I went to terminal number 4, from where I had a flight to New Orleans, after I said goodbye to my new friends. I was stubbornly trying to connect with wi-fi. I sat next to American China girl and I asked her if she has wi fi connection. She said no. I thought that is time for a nap. China girl woke me up after few minutes and she said that she caught a wi-fi connection. She loaned me a computer so I can contact with the world :D I was so happy! I got on the plane after waiting on terminal number 4 to approach my last 3 hours of flight to New Orleans. The flight was very nice. I was observing states, which we were flying over. I landed on the LA airport in New Orleans. I could not find Michael... I thought, that just in a moment I will be buying a ticket for way back to Poland and being in the air next two days, because Michael forgot about me :D My eyes got covered by Michael, when I was waiting for a luggage. I did not notice him. He romantically whispered into my ear, that from now he will not let me go anywhere... We went to the house and a such a big New Orleans feast was waiting for me there. Alcohol was no missed there, at the end New Orleans is The capital of alcoholics in the US :D but this story will be continued...:)
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