Monday, December 15, 2014

Filadelfia/New Jersey/Philadelphia/New Jersey

W sobote przyjechalismy do New Jersey (stan w polnocno wschodniej czesci USA, nad oceanem Atlantyckim). Jest to jeden z nabardziej uprzemyslowionych stanow USA, co widac golym okiem. Z racji tego, ze jest tu duzo pracy, to jest tu tez duzo ludzi. Osobiscie nie wywarl na mnie ten stan wiekszego wrazenia, widzialam ladniejsze :)Podatki od nieruchomosci w New Jersey sa jednymi z najwyzszych w Ameryce. W New Jersey sa duze skupiska Polonii. Po raz pierwszy w swoim zyciu wzielam udzial w nabozenstwie w kosciele protestanckim, a dokladnie w kosciele metodystow. Podobalo mi sie duzo bardziej niz msza w kosciele katolickim. W kosciele metodystow duzo sie spiewa, pastor skupia sie na prostym tlumaczeniu, tak aby ludzie zrozumieli, nie ma tylu sztywnych formul, co w kosciele katolickim. Bardzo interesujace jest poswiecenie okolo 15 minut podczas nabozenstwa dla dzieci. Dzieci zapraszane sa na oltarz, gdzie siadaja z pastorem, ktory opowiada im ciekawe i proste historie, oczywiscie w nawiazaniu do Biblii. Do kosciola takiego mozna sie zapisac, po wypelnieniu odpowiedniej karty. Co sroda w kosciele tym odbywaja sie studia biblijne z pastorem. Mamy okazje przebywac w poblizu rzeki Delaware, niedaleko jest lotnisko w Filadelfii. Ostatnio bylismy w restauracji Riverwinds nad Delaware z widokiem na cala Filadelfie. Ja mialam wielka radoche, poniewaz uwielbiam starty i ladowania samolotow, w zwiazku z czym jadlam sobie i obserwowalam jak srednio co minute laduje kolejny samolot na wspomnianym lotnisku. Korzystajac z okazji ze jestesmy blisko Filadelfii, oczywiscie ja odwiedzilismy. Filadelfia to wazne miejsce w USA, chocby z punktu widzenia historii. W Filadelfii powstalo wiele idei zwiazanych z rewolucja i niepodlegloscia Stanow Zjednoczonych. Filadelfia byla rowniez pierwsza stolica USA, az do utowrzenia Waszyngtonu. Filadelfia to takze miasto Benjamina Franklina- jednego z Ojcow zalozycieli Stanow Zjednoczonych. W Filadelfii odwiedzilismy The Academy of Natural Science, Franklin Institute i Museum of Art. W ramach ciekawostki dodam, ze w Filadelfii urodzil sie Bradley Cooper, jeden z moich ulubionych aktorow, znany jako Phil w Kac Vegas.


We came to New Jersey (state in north eastern part of the US, on Atlantic Ocean) on Saturday. It is one of the most industrialized states of the US, what you can see very easily. Here is a lot of people, because here is also a lot of work. I was not impressed of this state, I saw nicer. Property taxes in New Jersey are one of the highest in America. New Jersey has lot of Polish people. First time in my life I took part in worship in Methodist church and I liked that much more than a mass in Catholic church. People in Methodist church sing a lot. Pastor  concentrates on a simple explanation of the Bible, so everybody can understand. There is no rigid rules as in Catholic church. There is a very interesting 15 minutes during the worship just for children. Children are invited on altar, where they sit with a pastor, who explains simple and interesting stories, of course related to Bible. You can sign up into this church after filling out a little card. Every Wednesday in this church there is a Bible studying with pastor. Now we are close to Delaware river and close to us is also an airport in Philadelphia. Last time we went to Riverwinds restaurant on Delaware river and we had a view for whole Philadelphia. I was enjoying so much, because I love watching when planes start and land, so I was eating and observing how approximately every minute next plane was landing on mentioned above airport. We took advantage, that we are very close to Philadelphia and of course we went to visit this city. Philadelphia it is a very important place in the US, especially from historical point of view. Many ideas related to revolution and independence of the US arose in Philadelphia. Philadelphia was also the first capital of the US until Washington D.C was formed. Philadelphia it is Benjamin Franklin city, who was one of founder father of the US. We visited in Philadelphia, The Museum of Natural Science, Franklin Institute and Museum of Art. As a part of interest I just wanted to write that Bradley Cooper, one of my favorite actors, know as a Phil from Hangover was born in Philadelphia. 



The Franklin Institute

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Wloska kolacja w New Jersey z niesamowicie wyluzowana ciocia Majka i jej narzeczonym :)

Italian supper in New Jersey with an awesome Mike's Aunt and her fiance:)

Tu bawimy sie z Victoria i Louisem, tez w New Jersey :)/Here we are partying with Victoria and Louis, also in New Jersey:)

Nasze pierwsze wyscigi konne i pierwsza wygrana!!! Harrashs Casino Philadelphia ;)
Ja z babcia Majka :)

Our first horse racing and our first victory!!! Harrashs Casino Philadelphia ;)
Mike's Grandmother and me :)

Majk z ciocia Bernadette :)/Mike and Aunt Bernadette :)

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