Dzisiaj pochwale sie Wam moim przystojnym bratem, ktory od malego jest zapalonym pilkarzem i fanem pilki noznej! Nie przegapi zadnego meczu pilki noznej w telewizji, czasami wraz ze swoim tata chodzi na mecze, zna chyba wszystkich pilkarzy swiata i wszystkie kluby pilkarskie, wiec chyba nie jest to zadna niespodzianka, ze kilka razy w tygdoniu trenuje pilke nozna... Michal uczeszcza do klubu pilki noznej, ktorego czlonkowie spotykaja sie na boisku w podwarszawskich Zielonkach kolo Babic... Tak sie zlozylo, ze podczas mojego pobytu w Polsce mialam przyjemnosc uczestniczenia w zamknieciu tegorocznego sezonu... Njapierw byl mecz, a potem grill:) Teraz chlopaki czekaja na powrot do gry na jesieni:)
Milego dnia!
Rok temu na blogu:
LIGHTS OUT, Kiedy gasna swiatla...
Hi everyone!
Today I am going to praise my handsome brother who is a big soccer fan and player since he was a very little boy! He does not miss any soccer game on TV and sometimes he goes with his father to see soccer games. I think he knows almost all of the world soccer players and clubs so I do not think it is a surprise that he plays soccer couple times a week... Michal plays soccer in a club and members of this club meet on the field located in Zielonki close to Babice near Warsaw... It turned out that during my stay in Poland I had a pleasure to take part in close the season for this year... First there was a soccer game and then we had a grill:) Now boys wait for the fall to come back to the game:)
Have a nice day!
One year ago on blog:
LIGHTS OUT, Kiedy gasna swiatla...
Hi everyone!
Today I am going to praise my handsome brother who is a big soccer fan and player since he was a very little boy! He does not miss any soccer game on TV and sometimes he goes with his father to see soccer games. I think he knows almost all of the world soccer players and clubs so I do not think it is a surprise that he plays soccer couple times a week... Michal plays soccer in a club and members of this club meet on the field located in Zielonki close to Babice near Warsaw... It turned out that during my stay in Poland I had a pleasure to take part in close the season for this year... First there was a soccer game and then we had a grill:) Now boys wait for the fall to come back to the game:)
Have a nice day!
One year ago on blog:
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