Thursday, September 15, 2016



W piatek 2 wrzesnia wczesnym popoludniem wyruszylismy do Chicago na dlugi weekend, zwiazany z LABOR DAY , czyli Dniem Pracy w USA. Ja bylam pomyslodawczynia tej wycieczki ze wzgledu na to, ze chcialam pokazac mojej siostrze Asi potezne, amerykanskie miasto, takie, ktore mozna zobaczyc na filmach. W mojej opinii jej podroz do USA nie bylaby w pelni udana, gdyby nie miala zdjec miedzy wielkim amerykanskimi wiezowcami :D W piatek okolo polnocy dojechalismy do Waukegan/Gurnee na polnocy Chicago. Nie nocowalismy w scislym centrum Chicago, poniewaz mielismy problem ze znalezieniem hotelu, ktory akceptuje zwierzeta, a na wycieczke zabralismy oczywiscie nasza slodka suczke, ktore z reszta juz prawie dwa lata temu byla z nami w Chicago. Zatrzymalismy sie jak zwykle w naszym ulubionym hotelu Marriott Residence Inn. Chicago od miejsa, w ktorym mieszkamy, czyli Marshall, Minnesota polozone jest okolo 8 godzin jazdy samochodem w jedna strone. W sobote rano, 3 wrzesnia zjedlismy sniadanie w hotelu i udalismy sie do scislego centrum Chicago. W pierwszej kolejnosci odwiedzilismy CLOUD GATE, czyli slynna fasolke, przy ktorej zawsze tlumy turystow robia sobie mnostwo zdjec. Ten obiekt rzeczywiscie robi wrazenie. W Millennium Park odbywal sie akurat festiwal muzyki jazzowej, wiec mielismy okazje posluchac roznych jazzowych utworow, ktore w naszym domu rozbrzmiewaja codziennie juz od rana, ze wzgledu na to, ze ja bardzo lubie jazz, zrobilismy tam kilka zdjec i dalej udalismy sie spacerkiem po Chicago, czyli miejscu, w ktorym znajduje sie najwieksza ilosc Polakow zaraz po Polsce. Zrobilismy sobie mala przerwe, siadajac nad pieknym i blekitnym jeziorem Michigan. Nastepnie udalismy sie w kierunku Willis Tower, zatrzymujac sie po drodze w parku, gdzie znajduje sie fontanna z czolowki "Swiata wedlug Bundych". Willis Tower to najwyzszy budynek w Chicago, ktory mierzy 442 metry i ma 110 Pieter. Taras widokowy, z ktorego mozna podziwiac Chicago z kazdej strony znajduje sie na 103 pietrze, a wjezdza sie tam winda w niecala minute. Przy wjezdzie zatyka troche uszy, w windzie jest telewizor i mozna sobie posluchac roznych ciekawostek o Willis Tower. Taras widokowy jest obecnie wzbogacony o szklane, przezroczyste balcony wystajace z budynku, na ktorych mozna stanac i czuc sie jakby sie bylo w powietrzu, patrzac na wszystko to co znajduje sie na ziemii i jest mniej wiecej wielkosci mrowek. Ja mam lek wysokosci i jak patrzylam na ludzi wchodzacych tam to robilo mi sie niedobrze, takze nie skorzystalam z tej opcji. W pogodny dzien z Willis Tower mozna zobaczyc az cztery stany: Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin i Indiane.   Tego dnia ze wzgledu na to, ze byla to sobota i jeszcze dlugi weekend na Skydeck probowalo wejsc mnostwo ludzi, przed budynkiem byla kilkunastometrowa kolejka, ktora zakrecala az na nastepnej ulicy! Ja napalona i nastawiona podziwianiem Chicago z wysoka dostalam takiej adrenaliny jak zobaczylam te kolejke, ze myslalam, ze tam eksploduje! Wykorzystalam niepelnosprawnosc mojego meza i mimo przeszkod, wezwalam managera, ktoremu zlozylam skarge na zle traktowanie osob nieplenosprawnych (powiedzieli nam, ze moga dac Majkowi wozek inwalidzki, zeby nie musial stac na nogach, ale w kolejce kilka godzin i tak mamy czekac) oraz brak szacunku dla weteranow, ktorzy bronili wolnosci Ameryki. Manger po wysluchaniu mnie pozwolil nam ominac ogromna kolejke, wszedzie mielismy pierwszenstwo wejscia, a Majk za bilet nie zaplacil w ogole. Koszt wjazdu na Skydeck to $22 od osoby i srednio czeka sie 2 godziny, aby dotrzec do celu. O ile sie nie myle chyba za $49 mozna skorzystac z mozliwosci szybszego wjazdu, do okolo 45 minut. Ja i Asia zaplacilysmy po $22 za osobe i wjechalysmy z Majkiem natychmiastowo. Polecam Skydeck jak bedziecie w Chicago bo na pewno warto! Widoki sa nieziemskie, nawet jak mielibyscie stac w tej kolejce! :D Po zjezdzie ze Sky Deck udalismy sie jeszcze na male zakupy w Chicago. Wrocilismy do hotelu, zjedlismy kolacje i zmeczeni poszlismy spac, bo nastepnego dnia znowu atrakcje, a mianowicie zabawa w parku rozrywki SIX FLAGS, ale o tym juz w nastepnym poscie... Dla ciekawostki napisze, ze CHICAGO nazywane jest Wietrznym miastem ze wzgledow pogodowych, politycznych i wspolzawodnictwa.
Pozdrawiam serdecznie!




We left for Labor Day weekend to Chicago on Friday afternoon, September 2nd. I was an originator of this trip, because I wanted to show my sister Asia a big and massive American city, which you can see on the movie. I think that Asia's trip to the US would not be fully successful if she did not have a pictures between big American skyscrapers :D We arrived to Waukegan/Gurnee, which is North Chicago on Friday around midnight. We did not stay in the center of Chicago, because we had problem with finding a hotel, which accepts pets, and we of course had our sweet doggy with us, which actually was with us already in Chicago almost two years ago. As always we stayed at our favorite hotel Marriott Residence Inn. Chicago is located about 8 hours of driving one way from Marshall, Minnesota where we live. Saturday morning, on September 3rd, we ate breakfast at the hotel and we went to the center of Chicago. First we visited the CLOUD GATE, which is a famous bean, where lot of tourists take bunch of pictures in there. This object is really impressive. A jazz festival was taking place just as in Millennium Park, so we had an opportunity to listen some of the songs, which are being played at our home since every morning, because I like jazz music a lot. We took there some pictures and next we were walking through the Chicago. Chicago is the place where the is the biggest population of Polish people after Poland. We took a small break, and we sat at beautiful and blue Lake Michigan, then we were walking to Willis Tower, and on way there we stopped at the park, where is located a fountain from opening credits of "Married with Children" show.  Willis Tower is the highest building in Chicago, which measures 442 meters, and has 110 floors. An observation deck, from where you can admire Chicago from every side, is located on 103 floor, and you can get there with elevator in less than one minute. It does plug ears a little bit while going up in elevator. There is a TV in elevator so you can watch some interesting things about Willis Tower. Skydeck is currently enriched of glass balconies, which stick out of the building. You can stand there, and feel  like you are in the air, looking at everything down like it was a little ant. I have fear of heights and I was getting sick when I was looking at people stepping on this glass balconies, so I did not use this option. You are able to see four different states on clear day from Willis Tower, which are Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana. This day, because it was a Saturday and also a Labor Day weekend lot of people was trying to get to Skydeck. A line next  to the building was that long, that it was turning into another block! I was so excited and ready to admire Chicago from the top, and when I saw this horrible line I got such a high adrenaline, and I thought that I will explode! I took advantage of my husband disability, and even though staff was giving us a hard time, I called a manger, and I did complain about mistreating of handicaps (they told us, that they can give Mike a wheelchair so he does not have to stand on his feet, but we still have to wait in the line) and lack of respect for veterans who were protecting America's freedom. Manager after listening to me let us avoid a big line. We had input priority and Mike did not pay for his ticket. A cost of entering Skydeck is $22 and normally you have to wait about 2 hours to get there. If I am not wrong if you pay $49 you can get to Skydeck faster which is about 45 minutes. Asia and I paid $22 per person and we got with Mike to Skydeck immediately. I highly recommend you all a Skydeck when you will be in Chicago! Views are awesome even if you would have to wait in line! :D We went for a little shopping after going down from Skydeck. We came back to the hotel, we had a supper, and we all tired went to bed, because the next day we had also lot of attractions and fun in SIX FLAGS theme park, but I will explain about that in another post... Curiosity is that Chicago is being called a "Windy city"because of weather, political, and rivalry reasons.
Best wishes!


One year ago on blog:


Do Chicago w Illinois jechalismy przez Minnesote i Wisconsin. Ponizej zdjecia z przystanku na rozprostowanie nog w Wisconsin.

We were driving to Chicago, Illinois through Minnesota and Wisconsin. There is a stop to stretch our legs in Wisconsin on pictures below. 

Jestesmy w Illinois! Nasz hotel./We are in Illinois! Our hotel.


Sniadanie przed wyjazdem na zwiedzanie Chicago:)

Breakfast before leaving to visit Chicago:)

Srodkowy budynek na tym zdjeciu to Willis Tower, wieza z ktorej podziwialismy Chicago.
The middle building is a Willis Tower, a tower where from we were admiring Chicago.

Flaga miasta Chicago./Flag of Chicago city.



Fontanna z czolowki "Swiata wedlug Bundych".
Fountain from openings credits of "MARRIED WITH CHILDREN" show.


To sa wlasnie te szklane balcony zwisajace nad ziemia, na ktorych mozna zrobic sobie zdjecie.
Those are glass balconies, hanging over the ground, where you can take a picture.

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