Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Swiateczna sesja zdjeciowa naszych zwierzakow/Christmas photo shoot of our animals


13 listopada zabralam nasze kochane zwierzaki na swiateczna sesje zdjeciowa do Evans Family Pet Care, czyli do kliniki dla zwierzat, gdzie chodzimy na leczenie z naszymi zwierzetami. Klinika ta co rok organizuje sesje zdjeciowa dla zwierzakow polaczona ze zbieraniem pieniedzy na cele charytatywne. W tym roku pieniadze zostaly przeznaczone na AVMF Charity Care Fund. Nie obylo sie bez przygod oczywiscie! W drodze do kliniki, Slawomisia ubrana w piekna swiateczna sukienke w kratke miauczala cala droge i oddala mocz do "klatki", w ktorej ja przewozilam, w efekcie byla cala mokra, potem uciekala ze swiatecznego tla tylko po to, zeby polozyc sie i relaksowac sie w innym kacie pomieszczenia...😊 Sirena byla niesamowicie podekscytowana! Najpierw iloscia zwierzat, ktore czekaly w kolejce na zdjecie, a potem ciasteczkami i zabawkami, ktorymi zabawiala ja pani fotograf i jej pomocniczka, zeby udalo sie zrobic to swiateczne zdjecie😊 Latwo nie bylo, ale zdjecia do ramek sa i wygladaja calkiem niezle! Po sesji zwierzaki dostaly rowniez prezenty swiateczne😊 Zdjecia zostaly wykonane przez Heidi Swanson

Do nastepnego razu!


Rok temu na blogu:



I took our lovely animals on November 13th for Christmas photo shoot to Evans Family Pet Care, which is a clinic where we take our animals for treatment. This clinic organizes every year a Christmas photo shoot and collect money for charity purposes. This year they were collecting money for AVMF Charity Care Fund. Of course we could not have a photo shoot without any additional surprises! On way to the clinic Slawomisia dressed in beautiful Christmas checked dress was meowing whole way and she urinated in the carrier, and in the result she was totally wet, and then she was running away from the photo background, just to lay down in another corner of the room and chill out...😊 Sirena was incredibly excited! First she was excited about all of these dogs that were waiting in line for the picture and then she was so excited about the cookies and toys that photographer and her helper was entertaining her with just to take this Christmas photo😊 It was not an easy job, but we got pictures for the frame and they look pretty good! Pictures was taken by Heidi Swanson

To the next time! 


One year ago on blog: 

A tak to wygladalo przed sesja:) Pieski, kotki, a nawet chomiki czekaja ze swoimi rodzinami na zdjecia!
To byl 13 listopada, a atmosfera juz bardzo swiateczna i w tle swiateczne piosenki:)

This is how it looked before the photo shoot:) Dogs, cats and even hamsters are waiting with their families for the pictures!
It was November 13th and you could already feel a Christmas spirit with Christmas songs in the background:)

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