Friday, September 16, 2016


W niedziele 4 wrzesnia pojechalismy do parku rozrywki w Chicago, ktory nazywa sie SIX FLAGS i pochodzi z Teksasu. Nazwa SIX FLAGS nawiazuje do historii stanu Teksas, ktory na przestrzeni lat, w wyniku roznych zdarzen mial az szesc roznych flag. Poczatkowo parki rozrywki SIX FLAGS miescily sie tylko w Teksasie, ale z biegiem czasu rozprzestrzeniono je rowniez do innych stanow. Bilety do takiego miejsca to $75 od osoby, w cenie jest rowniez lunch. SIX FLAGS park to ogromny obiekt z cala masa przeroznych, robiacych wrazenie i czasami budzacych strach atrakcji. Znajduje sie tam kilka roller coasterow, mlotow, karuzeli i innych ciekawych rzeczy dla mlodszych i starszych odwiedzjaacych to miejsce. Moj maz absolutnie uwielbia roller coaster. Ja nigdy wczesniej w moim zyciu nie bylam na roller coasterze, poniewaz tak jak juz wspominalam w tym poscie mam lek wysokosci i zawsze tego typu urzadzenia, poruszajace sie jeszcze z tak ogromna predkoscia wzbudzaly we mnie starch. Majk od kiedy wlasciwie jestesmy razem bardzo mnie jednak namawial, na to zebym poszla z nim na roller coaster, bo jest to niesamowite przezycie i jak sprobuje sie raz to potem chce sie jeszcze wiecej i wiecej. Tak mnie namawial, ze w ramach kompromisu malzenskiego w koncu mu uleglam i zdecydowalam, ze pojde z nim na roller coaster, ktory nazywal sie BATMAN. Zdjecia tej konstrukcji sa zamieszczone ponizej. Wchodzilam na te kolejke ze lzami w oczach i blada, do ostatniej chwili  zachecalam Majka, zebysmy jednak moze z tego zrezgynowali, ale Majk byl nieugiety. Pzed usadzeniem sie w tej "maszynie" pytalam jeszcze obslugi, czy ktos kiedy zmarl na tym, albo czy cos powaznego komus sie stalo. Dostalam odpowiedz, ze akurat na tej kolejce nie bylo nigdy zadnego wypadku i ze bede miala super zabawe :D Przerazilam sie jeszcze bardziej zdaniem, ze "akurat na tej kolejce nic nikomu sie nie stalo", ale twardo weszlam, zapielam na sobie ten ochronny kawal metalu i zaczelismy ruszac do gory. Co to bylo za przezycie... to zdecydowanie mowie NIGDY WIECEJ! Siedzialam w srodku miedzy Majkiem, a moja siostra Asia. Majk sie cieszyl wnieboglosy, ja wrzeszczalam jak opetana, Asia miala zamkniete oczy i tez wrzeszczala. Jechalismy z bardzo szybka predkoscia z gory na dol, wywracalo nas tam do gory nogami kilka razy na ogromnej wysokosci, co bylo chyba najgorsze, bo czulam sie tak jakby odrywalo mi wszystkie wnetrznosci. Ten koszmar za wlasne pieniadze trawl 1 minute i 35 sekund, ale bylo to jedno z najgorszych doswiadczn w moim zyciu. Wyszlam z tego blada, a w jednej polowie glowy czulam tak ogromne lupanie, ze stwierdzilam, ze musze zarzyc jakis srodek przeciwbolowy. Udalismy sie w poszukiwaniu jakiegos leku na terenie parku, ale mielismy z tym problem, w koncu usiadlam na chwile i ten bol mi jakos przeszedl. Nastepnie skorzystalismy jeszcze z mniej ekstremalnych atrakcji w parku, ktore sprawialy mi wiecej przyjemnosci, a potem udalismy sie do polozonego obok wielkiego parku wodnego, ktory nazywa sie HURRICANE HARBOR. W tym parku wodnym adrenaliny tez mi nie brakowalo. Lubie bezpieczne zabawy wodne, ale np. w HURRICANE HARBOR weszlam na bardzo wysoka zjezdzalnie i mialam z niej zjechac przodem na macie, w ostatniej chwili wycofalam sie, bo zmrozilo mi to krew, a dzieciaki mialy frajde:) Bylismy z Majkiem miedzy innymi na zjezdzalni TORNADO i jeszcze w kilku innych rurach wodnych. Przeplynelismy na pompowanych materacach LAZY RIVER, czyli tzw. Leniwa Rzeke, ktora po prostu niosla nas wraz z nurtem. Bawilismy sie w basenie z falami, troche sie opalalismy, zjedlismy lunch i generalnie porelaksowalismy sie tam troche, a na koniec pochodzilismy jeszcze po parku SIX FLAGS.  
Milego weekendu!
We went to SIX FLAGS theme park in Chicago on Sunday, September 4th. The name SIX FLAGS comes from Texas and it is related to history of Texas, which had over the years in connection with different goings- on as far back six different flags. At the beginning the SIX FLAGS them parks was located only in Texas, later they were spread also to another states. Tickets for this place cost $75 per person and price includes lunch. SIX FLAGS park it is a huge object with different, impressive, and sometimes scary attractions. There are a few roller coasters, hammers, carousels, and other things for younger and older visitors of this place. My husband absolutely loves roller coasters. I have never been on roller coaster in my life, because as I even mentioned in this post I have a fear of heights and always this kind of installations, moving so fast made me scared. However Mike since we both are together always was trying to convince me to go with him on roller coaster, because according to him it is so much fun, and when I will try once, I will want more and more. He was encouraging me so much that in frame of marriage compromise I succumbed to him, and I decided that I will go for roller coaster named BATMAN. The picture of this construction is posted below. I was getting on this ride with tears in my eyes and whole paled, and till the last moment I was trying to convince Mike that maybe we will give up, but he was unbending. I was asking staff before I sat in this "machine" if somebody died on it or somebody got seriously injured. I got the answer, that actually on THAT ride there was no accident and I am going to have lot of fun. I got even more scared of the sentence that "on THAT ride nothing happened to anybody", but I was strong, I put on myself this big piece of metal, which is a protector and we started going up. OMG what kind of experience it was... I am decisively saying NEVER AGAIN! I was sitting in the middle between Mike, and my sister Asia. Mike was laughing so loud, I was screaming like possessed by the Devil, Asia had her closed eyes and she was also screaming like possessed. We were riding with such a high speed, we were flipping over up and down a few times on such big height, and I think that it was the worst, because I was felling like all of my interior organs were distracted. This nightmare lasted for 1 minute and 35 seconds, but it was one of the worst experiences in my life. I got off this paled and I was felling like something was splitting in one half of my head, that I thought that I need to take a painkiller. We went looking for some medication in the park, but we had problem with that, at the end I just sat for a while and pain was gone. Next we used another less extreme attractions in the park, which were bringing me more pleasure, and then we went to located next to SIX FLAGS aqua park named HURRICANE HAROR.  I also had a high adrenaline in this park. I like safe water fun, but for example in HURRICANE HARBOR I entered a very high slide and I was suppose to slide down on mat with my head in front, in last moment I stepped back, but children had a lot of fun:) Mike and I were at TORNADO slide, and we went also to couple other water pipes. We were flowing on air mattresses on LAZY RIVER, which was carrying us with the stream. We were playing in waves pool, we were tanning a little bit, we ate lunch, and generally we had some relaxing time there, at the end we went for a walk around SIX FLAGS park.
Have a good weekend!
Sniadanie w hotelu, jak zwykle towarzyszy nam nasza SABRIN:)
Breakfast in the hotel, as always our SABRIN accompanied us:)
To wlasnie z tej zjezdzalni po wejsciu na gore zrezygnowalam.
It is the slide, that after the entrance I decided to not do this.
Typowy amerykanski lunch- burger, frytki i COCA- COLA:) Innego wyboru nie bylo.
Typical American lunch- burger, fries and COCA- COLA:) We did not have another choice.
Prawie jak w Nowym Orleanie:)/Almost like New Orleans:)
To jest wlasnie roller coaster BATMAN, na ktorym mialam "przyjemnosc" sie przejechac :D
It is a BATMAN roller coaster, where I had "pleasure" to ride on :D

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