Jak to sie mowi swieta, swieta i po swietach... Czas tak szybko leci... a tu znowu szkola dla mnie sie zaczyna... W tym semestrze zmierze sie z zupelnie nowym doswiadczeniem, a mianowice wszystkie zajecia bede miala przez internet. Zapisalam sie na cztery kursy, warte w sumie 12 kredytow. Bede pracowac nad nastepujacymi przedmiotami: Statystyka dla nauk behawioralnych, Psychologia rozwojowa, Muzyka popularna i Pamiec w umysle i kulturze. Oczywiscie dalej ucze sie na Uniwersytecie Poludniowo Zachodniej Minnesoty. Wiele studentow, szczegolnie tych ktorzy pracuja lub maja juz rodziny chwali sobie mozliwosc zajec online, dlatego ja postanowilam tez sprobowac w tym semestrze robiac sobie przerwe od wycieczek na kampus... Zajecia zaczynaja sie 8 stycznia, czyli juz w najblizszy poniedzialek... Na naszej szkolnej platformie D2L zostana objasnione wszystkie zasady nauki przez internet. Jestem bardzo ciekawa jak to bedzie! Na pewno podziele sie z Wami wrazeniami! A tymczasem tzymajcie za mnie kciuki!
Zapomnialam Wam wspomniec w ostatnim poscie gdzie zdawalam relacje ze swiat o przygodzie naszego kota...
Oddelegowalismy kota do naszego kolegi, ktory z reszta sam zaoferowal nam opieke nad Slawomisia. W drodze do New Jersey zadzwonil do nas wlasnie ten kolega z informacja, ze cos zlego dzieje sie z kotem... Kot niesamowice miauczy i krwawi z szyji, a na dodatek tego wszystkiego cala ta wydzielina okropnie smierdzi, ze nie da sie wytrzymac! Bylismy w szoku, poniewaz odstawilismy w pelni zdrowego kota i nagle taka niespodzianka... Nie mielismy pojecia co moglo sie stac zwlaszcza, ze przez ostanie dwa tygodnie przed naszym wyjazdem kot w ogole nie wychodzil z domu... Poprosilismy naszego kolege, aby zabral kota do weterynarza. Weterynarz po zbadaniu kota poinformowala nas, ze najprawdopodobniej kot zostal ugryziony przez innego kota co moglo sie stac duzo wczesniej... Koty maja bardzo male i ostre zeby... Rany zadane przez kota kotu bardzo szybko sie goja, sa czasem niezauwazalne, ale bakterie zostaja w srodku i wiadomo co robia... Nic dobrego, a przynosza tylko szkody w postaci np. zakazenia. Najprawdopodobniej nasz kot zostal wlasnie ugryziony, do srodka wdalo sie zakazenie, ktore akurat peklo kiedy my wyjechalismy na swieta i stad pojawilo sie to krwawienie i okropny smrod... Wszystko moze sie zgadzac, poniewaz my rzeczywiscie zauwazylismy obcego kota odwiedzajacego naszego podworko. Slawomisia dostala antybiotyk, krwotok zostal zatamowany i kot czuje sie juz duzo lepiej.
Milego dnia!
Rok temu na blogu:
Pierwsze wrazenia ze studiow
Christmas is over...:) Time flies... and school begins again for me... This semester I am going to challenge a totally new experience which are online classes. I registered for four courses this semester and they are worth 12 credits. I will be working on Statistics for behavioral science, Developmental psychology, Popular music, and Memory in mind and culture. Of course nothing change and I still study at Southwest Minnesota State University. A lot of students especially people who work or already have family like online classes, that's why I decided to try it out this semester and give myself some break from driving to the campus... Classes start on January 8th which is this upcoming Monday... All of the rules related to online studying will be posted next week on our D2L platform. I am looking forward to that! I will make sure to share my experience with you! Today just wish me luck!
Last time I forgot to mention in Christmas post about our cat accident...
We gave our cat for Christmas to one of our friend... He offered us that he could stay with cat so we decided to take his offer. On way to New Jersey our friend called us that something wrong is going on with cat... Cat is horribly meowing, bleeding from her neck and on top of that this discharge stinks! We were very shocked because we gave him a cat that was healthy and now this kind of surprise... We had no idea what could happen especially that before we left cat did not leave the house for two weeks... We asked our friend to take cat to the vet. Doctor after medical exam said that probably our cat got bitten by another cat and it could happen long time ago... Cats have very small and sharp teeth... Cat's wounds heal very fast. Sometimes you will not even notice that your cat got bitten, but bacteria stays inside and it doesn't do anything good... Bacteria usually causes bad infection and this is what probably happened to our cat. Infection broke when we left for Christmas, and that was a source of bleeding and horrible smell... This hypothesis can be right because we noticed that another cat was visiting our yard. Slawomisia got an antibiotic, they stopped bleeding and she seems to be much better now than before.
Have a nice day!
One year ago on blog:
Traffic Department
First impressions of college
Pierwsze wrazenia ze studiow
Christmas is over...:) Time flies... and school begins again for me... This semester I am going to challenge a totally new experience which are online classes. I registered for four courses this semester and they are worth 12 credits. I will be working on Statistics for behavioral science, Developmental psychology, Popular music, and Memory in mind and culture. Of course nothing change and I still study at Southwest Minnesota State University. A lot of students especially people who work or already have family like online classes, that's why I decided to try it out this semester and give myself some break from driving to the campus... Classes start on January 8th which is this upcoming Monday... All of the rules related to online studying will be posted next week on our D2L platform. I am looking forward to that! I will make sure to share my experience with you! Today just wish me luck!
Last time I forgot to mention in Christmas post about our cat accident...
We gave our cat for Christmas to one of our friend... He offered us that he could stay with cat so we decided to take his offer. On way to New Jersey our friend called us that something wrong is going on with cat... Cat is horribly meowing, bleeding from her neck and on top of that this discharge stinks! We were very shocked because we gave him a cat that was healthy and now this kind of surprise... We had no idea what could happen especially that before we left cat did not leave the house for two weeks... We asked our friend to take cat to the vet. Doctor after medical exam said that probably our cat got bitten by another cat and it could happen long time ago... Cats have very small and sharp teeth... Cat's wounds heal very fast. Sometimes you will not even notice that your cat got bitten, but bacteria stays inside and it doesn't do anything good... Bacteria usually causes bad infection and this is what probably happened to our cat. Infection broke when we left for Christmas, and that was a source of bleeding and horrible smell... This hypothesis can be right because we noticed that another cat was visiting our yard. Slawomisia got an antibiotic, they stopped bleeding and she seems to be much better now than before.
Have a nice day!
One year ago on blog:
Traffic Department
First impressions of college