Sunday, August 27, 2017

CHICAGO i wylot mamy i Michala :( /CHICAGO, mom and Michal's departure :(


I jak to w zyciu bywa, wszystko co dobre szybko sie konczy...😢 Nadszedl ten dzien kiedy mama i Michal musieli wyleciec do Polski... Szczerze nienawidze takich momentow... Spedzilismy razem trzy miesiace, a teraz szczegolnie w tych pierwszych dniach w domu pusto, cicho, nie ma nawet balaganu...😄 Dobrze mi sie tu zyje w tej Ameryce, doceniam wszystko to co dobre mnie tu spotkalo, ale rozlaka z rodzina jest jednak straszna... Juz mi chodza mysli po glowie jak przekonac mame, zeby sie tutaj przeniosla na stale, ale takie plany wymagaja poteznej logistyki, tak wiecej wszystko sobie na razie w glowie ukladam i analizuje, a co bedzie to czas pokaze...😍 Tymczasem dzis zapraszam Was do obejrzenia zdjec z Chicago, ktore mama i Michal mieli jeszcze okazje obejrzec tuz przed wylotem do Warszawy, poniewaz z Chicago wlasnie mieli samolot...

Milego tygodnia!




As it happens in life everything what is good ends very fast...😢 There came a day when mom and Michal had to leave for Poland... I truly hate moments like that... We spent together three months and now especially in first days after they left house is very silent, empty and there is no mess...😃 I like America. I appreciate everything what happened to me here, but being far away from family is just horrible part of this whole deal... I already have thought on my mind how to convince mom to move here permanently, but those plans requires a huge logistic so for now I just think and analyze and we will see what is going to happen eventually...😍 Today I invite you all to see pictures from Chicago, the city that mom and Michal were able to see before they left for Warsaw. They had plane to Poland from Chicago.

Have a good week!


Tegoroczne zdjecia z Chicago sa dosc przyciemnione, moze nawet ponure, a to dlatego, ze akurat bylismy tam podczas zacmienia slonca, ktore z reszta mielismy okazje zobaczyc...

This year pictures from Chicago might look a little bit more darker or cloudy, but the reason for that is that we were there during eclipse which we had opportunity to see...


Tym razem bedac w Chicago odwiedzilismy jeden z wielu polskich sklepow tam... ach coz to byla za wyzerka! :)

This time while being in Chicago we visited there one of many Polish stores...ahh that was a super stodge! :)

To jest dla mnie bardzo sentymentalne zdjecie... Zostal tutaj uchwycony moment lez w moich oczach przed odlotem mamy i brata... 

This is a very sentimental picture for me... Mike captured a moment when I had tears in my eyes before mom and Michal's departure...

Tutaj juz w drodze powrotnej do Minnesoty i codziennego zycia... Zdjecia zostaly wykonane w strefie odpoczynku na granicy stanow Minnesota i Wisconsin. 

Here on way back to everyday life in Minnesota... Pictures were taken at rest area on Minnesota and Wisconsin border.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Lepienie pierogow, lyzwy, Mall of America/Pierogi making time, ice skating, Mall of America


Jeszcze w tygodniu przed parapetowka wstaje rano i patrze a tu moja mama juz chyba ze 200 pierogow ruskich ulepila od 6 rano...:) Podczas pobytu mamy u nas nie moglam jej usadzic w miejscu... Ciagle chciala cos robic, albo sprzatac, albo gotowac, albo pielic ogrodek... na moje prosby o odpoczynek reagowala "spiewka", ze ona tak wlasnie aktywnie wypoczywa....:) 

16 sierpnia w moje urodziny wybralismy sie z naszymi znajomymi i ich dziecmi na lodowisko w Marshall:) Ja juz nie jezdzilam chyba ze cztery lata, a moze nawet wiecej, wiec poczatkowo sie troche balam czy przypadkiem nie zapomnialam jak to sie robi i ze strachu na poczatku jezdzilam z metalowa podporka, ale potem juz tak sie rozkrecilam, ze nie bylo mowy o podpieraniu sie, nawet raz sie przewrocilam, tak ostro szalalam na lodzie...:) Wychowany w cieplych klimatach Majk natomiast... wlasnie w moje tegoroczne urodziny zalozyl lyzwy na nogi pierwszy raz w zyciu:) Zaczynal od podpierania sie... ja sie troche balam, ze zaraz sie polamie, ale nie wychodzilo mu to az tak strasznie, a mial przy tym duzo fajnej zabawy! :) 

W czwartek po moich urodzinach nasz przyjaciel John zabral mnie, moja mame i mojego brata do Mall of America... olbrzymiego centrum handlowego w Minneapolis, gdzie sciagaja tlumy ludzi z calej Ameryki... W obiekcie tym miesci sie okolo 800 sklepow, bary, restauracje, basen, parki rozrywki dla dzieci i doroslych... Po prostu weekend tam to za malo, zeby to wszystko obejsc:) Moja mama, ktora uwielbia chodzic po sklepach miala tam raj na ziemi:) Tak sie obkupila, z reszta nie tylko tam, ze wyjezdzala stad z czterema pelnymi walizami, Majk musial na nich siadac, zeby sie domknely i mama i tak jeszcze musiala zostawiac rzeczy u nas, bo juz jej sie nie zmiescily...:) 

Pozdrawiam Was!




One day before during the week before housewarming party I woke up in the morning and I saw my mom making pierogi already... I think that she made around 200 pierogies since 6 am...:) I could not stop my mom from doing things when she was here... She constantly wanted to do stuff like cleaning, cooking, working in the garden... and when I asked here to rest and relax she was telling me that this is how she actively relax...:) 

On my birthday August 16th we went with our friends and their children to the ice rink in Marshall:) I was not ice skating for four years or even more so at the beginning I was a little bit scared that I forgot how to do that and I was using metal bar, but later on I got so much comfortable that I did not want even hear about any metal bar. I even fell down once, because I got so crazy on the ice...:) Mike however... who was raised in warm climate put skates on first time in his life on my birthday:) He started with metal bar... I was a little bit worry that he will break something, but it was not that bad and he had so much fun doing it! :)

Our friend John took me, my mom, and my brother to Mall of America on Thursday after my birthday... It is a huge mall in Minneapolis and people from different parts of America come there... This building has around 800 stores, bars, restaurants, swimming pool, theme parks for children and adults... A weekend in this mall is not enough to see everything:) My mom loves shopping so she had heaven on the earth there:) She bought so much stuff, not just there, but in general that she was leaving with four full luggage and Mike had to sit on them so they could close, and mom still had to leave some stuff at our house because she was not able to take it with her...:)

Take care!
