Czuje prawdziwe ZAZENOWANIE, bedac swiadkiem tego jak USA politycznie nisko upada... Kraj, ktory mial w historii swoj okres swietnosci, dzis sam sie pograza, a najgorsze w tym wszystkim jest to, ze chyba Amerykanie ciagle mysla, ze sa liderami tego swiata... Pamietam jeszcze jako dziecko, kiedy slyszalam o Ameryce jaka to wieczna kraina szczesliwosci i jaki to "miodem i mlekiem plynacy kraj"... O tym, ze nie do konca dzis tak jest wspominalam juz tutaj. Wspominalam tez w tym poscie, do przeczytania ktorego oczywiscie zachecam, ze obecnie w USA toczy sie kampania prezydencka, a ja wraz z moim mezem z calego serca kibicujemy Berniemu Sandersowi, ktory w chwilii obecnej ma praktycznie zerowe szanse na otrzymanie nominacji prezydenckiej w lipcu tego roku. Prawybory w USA wlasnie sie zakonczyly, a prezydent Barack Obama oglosil Hillary Clinton kandydatka na przyszlego prezydenta Stanow Zjednoczonych z ramienia Demokratow, przez co stracil szacunek w oczach moich oraz mojego meza. W tym poscie niepochlebnie wypowiadalam sie o Hillary Clinton i oczywiscie nadal to podtrzymuje. Jestem prawdziwie zszokowana jak w Ameryce wszystko moze zadziac sie za sprawa wielkich pieniedzy! W amerykanskiej historii jeszcze nie bylo takiego "prezydenta" jak Hillary Clinton, za ktorym stalyby tak ogormne pieniadze! Ta kobieta jest tak obludna, tak straszna, tak po prostu zla, ze az skacze mi cisnienie, kiedy pisze ten post, ale pomyslalam sobie, ze jak zamieszcze ten post to moze otworze oczy niektorym co tu zagladaja, a moze nie moga sie doczekac bycia swiadkami, kiedy to Stany Zjednoczone jako "lider" swiata beda mialy pierwszego prezydenta kobiete... Hillary Clinton bierze pieniadze na finasowanie kampanii prezydenckiej skad tylko sie da, jest tak skorumpowana, ze nie da sie tego nawet opisac jakimis przejrzystymi slowami, podczas gdy Bernie Sanders prosi o wsparcie zwyklych ludzi, a miliarder Donald Trump ma wszystkich gdzies i sam sobie finasuje swoja kampanie. Hillary Clinton wielokrotna polityczna skandalistka, ostatni skanadal z wysylaniem sluzbowych wiadomosci z prywatnych serwerow, osoba ktora pozbawila miliony Amerykanow pracy i pieniedzy, osoba, ktora gubi sie w zeznaniach, osoba ktora probuje na stare lata zrealizowac swoje chore ambicje, a teraz uwaga "najlepsze", osoba wobec ktorej FBI prowadzi dochodzenie, majace tysiace stron akt dowodow obciazajacych ja jak okazuje sie jest ponad prawem i byc moze zosatnie prezydentem USA. FBI nie moze jej skazac, poniewaz nie ma takich kompetencji, minister sprawiedliwosci caluje tylek Clinton i robi wszystko, zeby tylko nie podpisac papierow skazujacych tego potwora, jak sie okazuje Obama rowniez z jakis dziwnych powodow politycznych, rowniez broniac swojego tylka nie chce aby Clinton zostala skazana, choc moglby miec w tej kwestii wiele do powiedzenia. Aktorka Susan Sarandon powiedziala, ze Hillary Clinton jest grozniejsza niz pomysl Trumpa na temat budowanie muru na granicy z Meksykiem i ja sie pod tym podpisuje. Jak kobieta, ktora ma miliony na koncie, a moze i miliardy, jak kobieta, ktora podpisala NAFTA i CAFTA, pozbawiajac tym samym miliony Amerykanow pracy, jak osoba, ktora wspierala wojne w Iraku moze przejmowac sie losami ludzi klasy sredniej, dzialajac kompletnie na ich niekorzysc? Telewizja CNN, wlasnosc Wall Street, kolegow Clinton to uprawia po prostu propagande przypominajaca mi te propagande z okresu komuny, a gdzie sie nie pojdzie do miejsca publicznego w USA to co jest na tapecie? Oczywiscie CNN, ktore walczy w obronie pieniedzy stawiajac Clinton na piedestal. Ostatnio bedac na silowni cwiczylam obok starszego pana, z ktorym razem bylismy zmuszeni do patrzenia na CNN i zaczelismy rozmawiac na temat kampanii prezydenckiej... Starszy pan urodzonu i wychowany w Bainbridge, w Georgii opowiadal mi, ze pamieta jak Hillary Clinton wraz ze swoim mezem podpisali slynne akta NAFTA i CAFTA i wiele fabryk w Bainbridge zaczelo upadac, ludzie potracili prace, fabryki zostaly przeniesione do Meksyku, gdzie np. wyprudokwanie pary skarpetek kosztuje 25 centow, a tamtejsza ludnosc zyje w skrajnym ubostwie, Produkcja pary skarpetek, podczas gdy fabryki byly w USA kosztowalo jednego dolara. Hillary na pewno pomogla bogacic sie bogatym, bo na pewno nie klasie sredniej. Starszy pan z silowni powiedzial mi, ze nie jest zwolennikiem Obamy, ale popiera go tysiac razy bardziej niz Hillary Clinton, ktora okreslil brudna osoba. W USA panuje ten dziwny system wyborczy, ktory w ogole podwaza jakiekolwiek zasady czystej demokracji, a mianowice system superdelegatow, w ktorym to tak naprawde superdelegaci z poszczegolnych stanow decyduja kto zostanie prezydentem, a nie ludnosc. System ten zostal wprowadzony w USA w latach 80, oczywiscie ze wzgledow korupcyjnych, zeby ludnosc nie miala zbyt duzo do powiedzenia. Kazdy stan ma okreslona ilosc superdelegatow, w sklad ktorych wchodza wazni urzednicy stanowi jak np. gubernatorzy, byli prezydenci itp. Kandydat na prezydenta USA musi zdobyc poparcie okreslonej ilosci superdelegatow w danym stanie. Tak "dziwnie" sklada, ze Bernie Sanders mial wiele glosow zwyklej ludnosci, ale Hillary Clinton miala glosy superdelegatow, czyli tych ludzi, ktorzy nie chca potracic swoich stolkow Widzialam taki mem na Facebooku, kiedy to Hillary Clinton zaciera rece w zwiazku z prawyborami w Kalifornii, ktorych oczywiscie jeszcze nie bylo, ale ona juz tam wygrala, bo ma wiekszosc superdelegatow. Czy nie przypomina Wam to pogwalcenia demokracji? Jest mi bardzo smutno, ze wygrywaja jak zwykle pieniadze, ze zamiast spokoju, rozwoju, normalnej sluzby zdrowia, powszechnie dostepnej wyzszej edukacji i wzglednego dobrobytu wszystkich ludzi w USA bede zapewne obserwowala balagan, ktory zaprowadzi Clinton, ktora chce powierzyc sprawy ekonomiczne USA swojemu mezowi, Billowi Clintonowi, ktory klamal przed sadem najwyzszym w zwiazku ze skandalem rozporkowym z Monicka Lewinksy... Ja mam taka alergie na Hillary Clinton, ze kiedy moj maz oglada jakies wiadomosci i slysze jej glos w oddali to prosze go o natychmiastowe wylaczenie tego. Ta kampania wyborcza zwiekszyla moja wiedze na temat polityki USA i pozwolila mi wiele zrozumiec, jak juz wczesniej wspominalam, ze nie jest tu tak kolorowo, na przestrzeni lat robilo sie gorzej, a proces ten jaki widzimy postepuje... W momencie kiedy oficjalnie Clinton dostanie nominacje i stanie w wyscigu z Donaldem Trumpem zamierzamy wspierac Trumpa, ktory wylicza klamstwa Clinton, a ostatnio przynajmniej zaczal skradac postulaty Sandersa na temat przeniesienia wszelkich zakladow pracy do USA miedzy innymi z Chin i Meksyku oraz podniesienia sredniej krajowej do $15 na godzine. Mozna by powiedziec, wszedzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie ma:)
Mimo, ze post niezbyt optymistyczny, to zycze Wam wszystkiego dobrego!
Rok temu na blogu:
Bourbon Street, Nowy Orlean, Luizjana (NOLA)
Nasze zwierzaki:)
Weganskie MAC&CHEESE- makaronowa zapiekanka z sosem serowym
I feel EMBARRASSED being a witness of America politically falling down very low... A country, which had the period of splendor in history today plunged itself, and the worst thing is, that Americans still think that they are leader of the world... I remember as a child hearing about America as a happy land, a country, which "flows with honey and milk"... I mentioned here that it is not exactly true. I also mentioned in here, which I recommend you all to read it, that currently in the US takes place a presidential campaign, and my husband and I are cheering for Bernie Sanders, who now has almost no chance for presidential election in July this year. Primaries in the US just ended, and President Barack Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton as a Democrat candidate for a future President of the United States of America, and same time he lost my husband and mine respect for him. I was talking uncomplimentary about Hillary Clinton in this post, and I of course still hold up to it. I am truly shocked how in America everything can happen for the price of big money! There was no "President" in American history as Hillary Clinton, who was standing behind such a big money! This woman is so hypocritical, horrible, bad, I am getting a high blood pressure when I am writing this post, but I thought, that I might open some people eyes, who look up my blog, and maybe can not wait to be witnesses of Hillary Clinton, being the first woman President of the US, a "leader" of the world... Hillary Clinton takes money from everywhere, as much as she can, she is that corrupted, that it is even hard to explain in some clear words, while Bernie Sanders is asking for support just normal people, and billionaire Donald Trump does not care about anything, and anybody, and he does finance his campaign on his own. Hillary Clinton multiple political shocker, last scandal with sending e- mails from private servers, a person who took away jobs and money from millions of Americans, a person, who does not follow even her own words, a person, who try to achieve her sick ambitions in her old age, and now ATTENTION, because I am about to write "best", a person who is under investigation by the FBI, which has thousands of pages of evidences, which charge her. As it turns, Clinton is above the law, and she might become a President of the US. FBI can not convict Clinton, because this task does not belong to their competences. Department of justice, who is kissing Hillary ass is also doing everything to not sign papers, which will convict this monster, as it turns President Obama for some strange political reason, to protect his ass does not want Clinton to be convicted, but he could do in this as a President. An actress Susan Sarandon said that Hillary Clinton is more dangerous than a Trump idea of building a wall on border with Mexico, and I agree with that. How a woman who, has millions, maybe even billions on her bank account, a woman who signed NAFTA and CAFTA, same time taking jobs from millions of American, a woman who supported an Iraq war can care about the middle-class business, same time doing everything for their disadvantage? CNN, owned by Wall Street, Clinton friends is simply doing propaganda, which reminds me of propaganda from communist time, and wherever you go in public place in the US what is on the wallpaper? Of course CNN, who is fighting for money, putting Clinton pedestal. Last time when I was at the gym, I was working out next to the older man, and we both were forced to look at CNN, and we became to talk about presidential campaign... An older man born and raised in Bainbridge, GA told me that he remembers when Hillary Clinton, and her husband signed NAFTA and CAFTA, and factories started to shut down, people lost jobs, factories were moved to Mexico, where for example, a cost of production a pair of sock cost 25 cents, and people there live in extreme poverty. A cost of socks production when factories were in the US was $1. Hillary for sure helped to make rich people richer, but she for sure did not help a middle class. An older man told me, that he is not a fan of Obama, but he also told me, that he supports him thousand more times than Hillary Clinton, who called a dirty person. US has this strange electoral system, which undermines a democratic rules. It is a superdelegate system, where superdelegates decide, who is going to be a President of the US, not the nation. This system was introduced in the US in 80s, of course for corruption reasons, to take away power from normal people. Every state has a certain amount of superdelegates who are important state clerks, such as: governors, ex Presidents, and others. A candidate for a President of the US has to gain a certain amount of superdelegates votes in each state. It does turn so strange, that Bernie Sanders had votes of normal people, but Hillary Clinton had support from superdelegates, those people, who do not want to lose their chairs. I saw a meme on Facebook, where Hillary Clinton shake her hands for primaries in California, which of course did not even take a place, but she already won there, because she has most of superdelegates there. Don't you think it is a rape on democracy? I am so sad, that as always money wins, that instead of peace, normal health care, widespread education, relative well-being for all people in the US I will be observing a mess, which Clinton will make. She wants to make her husband, who was lying in court in process of scandal with Monica Lewinsky, a person responsible for US economy... I am so allergic to Hillary Clinton, that when my husband is watching some news, and I hear her voice in background I ask him to turn this off immediately. This campaign improved my knowledge about US politic and let me to understand a lot. As I mentioned before it is not that colorful here, over the years things were getting worse, and this process is still going on... We are going to support Donald Trump if Hillary Clinton will get an official nomination. Trump is listing Hillary's lies, and recently he started to steal Bernie's campaign demands such as, bringing back jobs from China and Mexico to America, raising minimum wage up to $15 per hour.
Even though this post is not very optimistic, I wish you all best!
One year ago on blog:
Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA)
Our animals:)
VEGAN MAC&CHEESE- macaroni casserole with cheese sauce
Rok temu na blogu:
Bourbon Street, Nowy Orlean, Luizjana (NOLA)
Nasze zwierzaki:)
Weganskie MAC&CHEESE- makaronowa zapiekanka z sosem serowym
I feel EMBARRASSED being a witness of America politically falling down very low... A country, which had the period of splendor in history today plunged itself, and the worst thing is, that Americans still think that they are leader of the world... I remember as a child hearing about America as a happy land, a country, which "flows with honey and milk"... I mentioned here that it is not exactly true. I also mentioned in here, which I recommend you all to read it, that currently in the US takes place a presidential campaign, and my husband and I are cheering for Bernie Sanders, who now has almost no chance for presidential election in July this year. Primaries in the US just ended, and President Barack Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton as a Democrat candidate for a future President of the United States of America, and same time he lost my husband and mine respect for him. I was talking uncomplimentary about Hillary Clinton in this post, and I of course still hold up to it. I am truly shocked how in America everything can happen for the price of big money! There was no "President" in American history as Hillary Clinton, who was standing behind such a big money! This woman is so hypocritical, horrible, bad, I am getting a high blood pressure when I am writing this post, but I thought, that I might open some people eyes, who look up my blog, and maybe can not wait to be witnesses of Hillary Clinton, being the first woman President of the US, a "leader" of the world... Hillary Clinton takes money from everywhere, as much as she can, she is that corrupted, that it is even hard to explain in some clear words, while Bernie Sanders is asking for support just normal people, and billionaire Donald Trump does not care about anything, and anybody, and he does finance his campaign on his own. Hillary Clinton multiple political shocker, last scandal with sending e- mails from private servers, a person who took away jobs and money from millions of Americans, a person, who does not follow even her own words, a person, who try to achieve her sick ambitions in her old age, and now ATTENTION, because I am about to write "best", a person who is under investigation by the FBI, which has thousands of pages of evidences, which charge her. As it turns, Clinton is above the law, and she might become a President of the US. FBI can not convict Clinton, because this task does not belong to their competences. Department of justice, who is kissing Hillary ass is also doing everything to not sign papers, which will convict this monster, as it turns President Obama for some strange political reason, to protect his ass does not want Clinton to be convicted, but he could do in this as a President. An actress Susan Sarandon said that Hillary Clinton is more dangerous than a Trump idea of building a wall on border with Mexico, and I agree with that. How a woman who, has millions, maybe even billions on her bank account, a woman who signed NAFTA and CAFTA, same time taking jobs from millions of American, a woman who supported an Iraq war can care about the middle-class business, same time doing everything for their disadvantage? CNN, owned by Wall Street, Clinton friends is simply doing propaganda, which reminds me of propaganda from communist time, and wherever you go in public place in the US what is on the wallpaper? Of course CNN, who is fighting for money, putting Clinton pedestal. Last time when I was at the gym, I was working out next to the older man, and we both were forced to look at CNN, and we became to talk about presidential campaign... An older man born and raised in Bainbridge, GA told me that he remembers when Hillary Clinton, and her husband signed NAFTA and CAFTA, and factories started to shut down, people lost jobs, factories were moved to Mexico, where for example, a cost of production a pair of sock cost 25 cents, and people there live in extreme poverty. A cost of socks production when factories were in the US was $1. Hillary for sure helped to make rich people richer, but she for sure did not help a middle class. An older man told me, that he is not a fan of Obama, but he also told me, that he supports him thousand more times than Hillary Clinton, who called a dirty person. US has this strange electoral system, which undermines a democratic rules. It is a superdelegate system, where superdelegates decide, who is going to be a President of the US, not the nation. This system was introduced in the US in 80s, of course for corruption reasons, to take away power from normal people. Every state has a certain amount of superdelegates who are important state clerks, such as: governors, ex Presidents, and others. A candidate for a President of the US has to gain a certain amount of superdelegates votes in each state. It does turn so strange, that Bernie Sanders had votes of normal people, but Hillary Clinton had support from superdelegates, those people, who do not want to lose their chairs. I saw a meme on Facebook, where Hillary Clinton shake her hands for primaries in California, which of course did not even take a place, but she already won there, because she has most of superdelegates there. Don't you think it is a rape on democracy? I am so sad, that as always money wins, that instead of peace, normal health care, widespread education, relative well-being for all people in the US I will be observing a mess, which Clinton will make. She wants to make her husband, who was lying in court in process of scandal with Monica Lewinsky, a person responsible for US economy... I am so allergic to Hillary Clinton, that when my husband is watching some news, and I hear her voice in background I ask him to turn this off immediately. This campaign improved my knowledge about US politic and let me to understand a lot. As I mentioned before it is not that colorful here, over the years things were getting worse, and this process is still going on... We are going to support Donald Trump if Hillary Clinton will get an official nomination. Trump is listing Hillary's lies, and recently he started to steal Bernie's campaign demands such as, bringing back jobs from China and Mexico to America, raising minimum wage up to $15 per hour.
Even though this post is not very optimistic, I wish you all best!
One year ago on blog:
Bourbon Street, New Orleans, Louisiana (NOLA)
Our animals:)
VEGAN MAC&CHEESE- macaroni casserole with cheese sauce
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