21 luty, srodek zimy, a my grillujemy! Cudownie jest mieszkac w tak cieplym klimacie! Obecnie temperatury w dzien wahaja sie srednio w granicach 20-25 stopni celsjusza. W zeszlym tygodniu kupilismy sobie altanke do ogrodu, od razu z moskitierami od wszelkiego rodzaju latajacego robactwa, poniewaz na Poludniu Stanow, a w Georgii to juz w szczegolnosci w lato nie da sie wysiedziec na dworzu przede wszystkim z powodu muszek/meszek, ktore sa niezywkle irytujace! Krazy nawet taka legenda, ze mieszkancy Georgii sa niezywkle mili, poniewaz ciagle machaja rekoma, a miejscowi wiedza, ze machaja rekoma, bo w ten sposob odpedzaja muszki :D Apropos wszelkiego rodzaju robactwa, chcialam napisac, ze im dalej na Poludnie USA, tym to robactwo jest wieksze, np. karaluchy, a wszystko przez to, ze cieplejszy klimat sprzyja ich rozrostowi. Obecnie w Georgii jak dla mnie panuje idealna pogoda. Jest cieplo, ale nie za goraco, tak, ze nie mozna oddychac, tylko trzeba zamykac drzwi i wlaczac klimatyzacje na opor. Moge otworzyc okna i cieszyc sie w domu przeplywem swiezego powietrza. Nie ma wiekszych opadow. Mimo, ze jest cieplo natura sie jeszcze zbytnio nie zazielenila. Nie pozostaje mi nic innego jak cieszyc sie latem tej zimy:)
February 21st and we are cooking out! Its absolutely wonderful to live in this warm climate! Now temperature range during the day is between 20-25 Celsius degrees. Last week we bought a canopy with netings for our garden to protect us from different kinds of flying bugs, because in the South of the US, especially in Georgia, in summer time its hard to sit outside, because of those bugs. They are so irritating! You can hear a legend around, that Georgia residents are very nice, because they wave a lot, but locals know that they wave, because they are trying to chase away bugs :D Apropos different kinds of bugs, I wanted to write, that the further to the South of the US, bugs get bigger, because warm climate favors their growth. Now in Georgia is a perfect temperature for me. Its warm, but not to hot, that I can not breath, and I have to close doors and turn on A/C on maximum. I can now easily open windows and enjoy fresh air movement. It does not rain much. Nature did not turn green yet, even though its warm already. It remains me nothing else, then enjoy the summer this winter:)
February 21st and we are cooking out! Its absolutely wonderful to live in this warm climate! Now temperature range during the day is between 20-25 Celsius degrees. Last week we bought a canopy with netings for our garden to protect us from different kinds of flying bugs, because in the South of the US, especially in Georgia, in summer time its hard to sit outside, because of those bugs. They are so irritating! You can hear a legend around, that Georgia residents are very nice, because they wave a lot, but locals know that they wave, because they are trying to chase away bugs :D Apropos different kinds of bugs, I wanted to write, that the further to the South of the US, bugs get bigger, because warm climate favors their growth. Now in Georgia is a perfect temperature for me. Its warm, but not to hot, that I can not breath, and I have to close doors and turn on A/C on maximum. I can now easily open windows and enjoy fresh air movement. It does not rain much. Nature did not turn green yet, even though its warm already. It remains me nothing else, then enjoy the summer this winter:)