Thursday, November 17, 2016

Konkurs zupowy w Ratuszu/Soup contest in City Hall

Witam ponownie!

Dzisiaj chcialabym Wam opowiedziec o konkursie zupowym w ramach akcji charytatywnej, ktory odbyl sie w miniony wtorek w Ratuszu, gdzie pracuje moj maz. Administratorzy zorganizowali konkurs polegajacy na tym, ze pracownicy zglaszaja sie do ugotowania wybranej zupy, ktora pozniej bedzie oceniana w tajnych wyborach przez reszte pracownikow Ratusza. Zwyciezca konkursu otrzyma 2,5 godziny czasu wolnego od pracy, a pieniadze z akcji zostana przekazane dla United Way. Moj maz uwielbia wszelkie imprezy organizowane w jego pracy, dlatego oczywiscie nas zglosil, tylko ze zapomnial mi do konca wyjasnic zasady tego konkursu :D W zasadzie sam ich dokladnie nie znal :D Powiedzial mi, ze na wtorek 15 listopada musze ugotowac zupe, najlepiej barszcz bialy, bo to jego ulubiona zupa. W poniedzialek ugotowalam na zyczenie Majka wlasnie barszcz bialy, ktory we wtorek podawany byl w Ratuszu miasta z tluczonymi ziemniakami i jajkiem. Ugotowalam rowniez zupe pieczarkowa jako dodatek. Pojechalam do urzedu we wtorek okolo 10:30. Impreza miala sie rozpoczac o 11, podgrzalam barszcz oraz zupe pieczarkowa i postawilam je w rzedzie kolo innych zup. W konkursie bral udzial barszcz bialy, ktorego identyfikatorem byla litera A. Pozostale zupy takze mialy swoje identyfikatory B,C, D, E itd. Ja w ogole nie znalam zasad tego konkursu i zaczelam opowiadac degustujacym, ze to taka polska, wielkanocna zupa itp, itd... dopiero glowny administrator upomnial mnie, ze nie moge nic mowic ludziom, bo oni nie moga wiedziec, ze to moja zupa... Pracownicy Ratusza pomiedzy 11 a 14 przychodzili do stolowki, zeby sprobowac zupy, do pojemnika wrzucali darowizny pieniezne, a potem przechodzili do pokoju obok, gdzie przy okraglym stole mogli skosztowac zupy, a takze ocenic je w skali od 1 do 5 na specjalnych kartach pod wzgledem koloru, konsystencji, aromatu i smaku. Moja zupa nie wygrala... Barszcz bialy okazal sie szokiem dla Amerykanow, ale jednak pozytywnym... Niektorzy sie dziwili, ze jak to ziemniaki i jajka? ale potem probowali i naprawde im smakowalo, przynajmniej tak mi mowili, a inni donosili :D Moja egzotyczna dla Amerykanow zupa podejrzewam, ze nie wygrala, poniewaz zauwazylam, ze Amerykanie przez zupe rozumieja zupelnie cos innego niz Polacy... Dla Polakow zupa ma plynna konsystencje, natomiast wszystkie zupy, ktore braly udzial w tym konkursie mialy gesta konsystencje, ktora mi raczej przypominala gulasz, ktory moglby byc podawany z ryzem albo kasza. Byly to bardzo dobre przysmaki, ale przecietny Polak sklasyfikowalby to jako gulasz, albo inna potrawe, ale nie zupe... Pojawila sie tu bardzo wyraznie zauwazalna roznica kulturowa, ale to nic bede przynajmniej wiedziala, ze w przyszlym roku bede musiala przygotowac jakas zupe MINESTRONE :D Wygrala zupa, ktorej ja osobiscie nie sprobowalam, bo bylam juz strasznie pelna i nawet nie pamietam jak ta "zupa" sie nazywala. Generalnie uwazam, ze pomysl z takim konkursem to bardzo fajna sprawa, wyzerka na calego! :)



Rok temu na blogu:

Dzisiaj nie wrzucam ciekawostek kulinarnych, bo ostatnio nie mialam czasu probowac nowych przepisow.


Hi again!

Today I would like to tell you about soup contest in reference to charity which took place on Tuesday in City Hall where my husband works. City administrators organized a contest consisting of city employees who register to cook a certain soup which later will be judged by the rest of employees in secret voting. A winner will get 2.5 hours off work and the money from this event will be given to United Way. My husband loves all events organized by his work so he signed us for it, but he forgot to tell me the rules of this contest :D Actually he did not even know the rules :D He told me that I need to make a soup on Tuesday, November 15th and best if it is a white barszcz, his favorite soup. I cook a white barszcz on Monday according to Mike's wish which was served with mashed potatoes and eggs on Tuesday in City Hall. I also cooked a mushrooms soup as an addition. I went to the City Hall on Tuesday around 10:30. An event should start at 11. I warmed up soups and I put them in line next to others soups. White barszcz took part in contest. It was identified with a letter A, another soups also had their ID such as B,C,D,E and more. I totally did not know the rules of this contest and I started to explain testers that it is a Polish, Easter soup and stuff like that... Good thing that city administrator admonished me that I can not tell anybody anything, because they can not know that it is my soup... City employees were coming to the break room between 11 and 2 pm to try soups. They were putting some donation money to the box and then they were going with their soups to the another room, where at the circle table they could try them and judge them in 1-5 scale on a special card in terms of color, aroma, consistency and taste. My soup did not win... White barszcz turned into a shock for Americans, but positive shock... For some people it was strange that my soup was served with potatoes and eggs... but later on they tried it and they liked it at least they were saying that to me :D I think that my exotic soup for Americans did not win, because I noticed that Americans by soup understands something wholly different than Polish people... A soup according to Polish people has a fluid consistency, but all of the soups that were taking place in contest had a very thick consistency which reminded me of stew that could be served with rice or some grain. Those dishes were very good but an average Pole would classify it as a stew or some other dish, bit not a soup... I noticed a very clear culture difference but it is not a big deal, at least for the next year I know that I will have to prepare maybe MINESTRONE :D A soup which won I did not try, because I was already so full and I do not even remember the name of this "soup". I think that in general the idea with this soup contest is great! Not bad stodge! :)



One year ago on blog:

Today I am not posting any of culinary specialties because recently I did not have time to try new recipes. 

A zeby nie bylo nudno to troche nas! Majk zapuszcza brode na zime, zeby bylo mu cieplej:)

So you do not get bored here is a little bit of us! Mike grows beard so he can be warmer in winter time:)

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