Nasz kotek Jeronimo ma infekcje oka... Nic to dziwnego zwlaszcza, ze Jeronimo to wcielony szatan, niczego sie nie boi, sama widzialam jak zaczepia i wszczyna walki z kotami dwa razy wiekszymi niz on, generalnie ciagle jest poturbowany i co sie podleczy to znowu jest to samo... Ostatnio jednak zaszyl sie w piwnicy ze spuchnietym okiem, w ogole nie chcial opuszczac tej piwnicy i przesypial cale dnie, w ogole nie bedac zainteresowanym wyjsciem na dwor, co jest bardzo dziwnym sygnalem z jego strony... Zaczelismy mu przemywac to oko, ale wygladalo to tak nieciekawie, ze od razu spakowalismy go do jego "pudelka TAXI" i zawiezlismy go do Evans Family Pet Care. Okazalo sie, ze ma podwyzszona temperature, jest nieco odwodniony i ma infekcje oka. Dostal kroplowke, antybiotyk i masc z antybiotykiem do oka. W drodze do weterynarza byl tak zestresowany, ze zrobil sobie z "PET TAXI" toalete (siusiu i kupa). W samochodzie tak smierdzialo, ze prowadzilam samochod z wystawiona przez szybe glowa. Weterynarze naprawde maja jakas niezwykla magie w sobie, bo Jeronimo w ogole sie nie wyrywal kiedy Pani doktor Brenda przeprowadzala na nim badanie i wbijala mu igle. Na poczatku mielismy problem z podawaniem mu lekow w domu, poniewaz sie wyrywal, ale potem opracowalismy specjalna taktyke i aplikowanie lekow Jeremciowi idzie jak po masle. Na szczescie dostaje antybiotyk w plynie. Czuje sie juz lepiej, pije duzo wody i codziennie zjada puszke jakiejs rybki, duzo spi i juz otwiera chore oko, poza tym musimy uwazac wychodzac z domu, bo wyrywa sie na dwor i generalnie stal sie duzo bardziej aktywny odkad lepiej sie poczul, wizyte kontrolna mamy w najblizsza sobote. Nasze koty nie sa wykastrowane. W domu zachowuja sie bezproblemowo, grzecznie spia, wiedza gdzie maja kuwetki i jedzenie. Odpukac nie zdarzylo nam sie, zeby "podsikiwaly" katy, czy tez robily jeszcze gorsze rzeczy. Ostatnio zamieszkuja tylko dol domu, na gore nawet sie nie wybieraja, w sumie to dobrze, bo na gorze mamy wykladziny, a na dole drewniane podlogi i plytki. Nasze koty teraz ze wzgledu na zimna pore roku spedzaja wieksza ilosc czasu w domu, ale w lato cale dnie hasaja na zewnatrz, wiedza gdzie jest ich dom, ich pies, ich jedzenie i rodzina:) Zawsze wracaja:) Wiem, ze ze wzgledow prokreacyjnych powinnismy je wykastrowac, chociaz moj maz nie chce pozbawiac ich plci:) Ja myslalam, ze jesli je wykastrujemy to np. Jeronimo przestanie wdawac sie w bojki z innymi kotami, jednak Pani weterynarz powiedziala mi, ze owszem tak sie moze stac, ale wcale niekoniecznie... Moze stac sie spokojniejszy i mniej zainteresowany agresywnymi kontaktami z innymi kotami, ale jest wiele przypadkow, kiedy tak sie wcale nie dzieje... Mysle, ze pewnie w koncu kiedys je wykastrujemy... Kiedy Jeronimo wydobrzeje musimy go poddac testowi na obecnosc wirusa FIV, odpowiednika ludzkiego wirusa HIV, FeLV, oraz FHW. FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), FHW (Feline Heartworm Diseases). Koty, ktore wdaja sie w ryzykowne sytuacje sa szczegolnie narazone na zarazenie sie tymi wirusami. Ja nie chce trzymac kotow w zamknieciu... Uwazam, ze powinny wychodzic na dwor, ze jest to jak najbardziej naturalne, trzeba tylko o nie dobrze dbac i w miare mozliwosci zapobiegac tym wszystkim ryzykownym sytuacjom, a tym samym chorobom... Powodzenia w opiece nad Waszymi kotami!
Milego dnia!
Our cat Jeronimo has an eye infection... It is nothing really surprising especially that Jeronimo is a real devil. He is not scared of anything. I personally saw how he was picking up fights with cats twice big as himself. He is always injured and when he will heal a little bit, there is the same story all over again... However, last time he hid in basement with a swollen eye, he did not want to leave the basement, he did not want to go outside which is a very strange sign from him... We tried to wash his eye, but it looked really bad so we immediately put him into a "PET TAXI" and we took him to Evans Family Pet Care. It turned out that Jeronimo has a fever, he is dehydrated, and he has an eye infection. He got IV, antibiotic, and an eye antibiotic ointment. He was so much stressed on way to the doctor that he made a toilet out of "PET TAXI" (He peed and pooped). Car stunk so badly that I was driving a car with head sticking out of the window. Vets they really have some kind of magic, because Jeronimo did not move when doctor Brenda was examining him and she was putting a needle in his back. At the beginning we had a problem to apply Jeronimo his medication, because he was trying so hard to ran away, but eventually they made some strategy which lets to apply medication for him very easily. Fortunately, he takes an antibiotic as a fluid. Jeronimo feels better. He drinks a lot of water and every day he eats a can of fish. He sleeps a lot and he opens his sick eye, moreover we have to be really careful while leaving the house because he tries to sneak outside. He became much more active since he feels better. We have a check-up appointment on this coming Saturday. Our cats are not neutered. At the house they behave with no problems at all, they sleep very politely, they know where they have their litter boxes and food:) Thanks God the situation when they pee somewhere in house corners or something even worse never happened. Lately they resident only downstairs of our house. They do not visit upstairs which is kind of good, because upstairs we have carpets, but downstairs we have hardwood floors and tiles. Our cats currently spend more time in the house, because of the winter, but in summer time they mostly spend time outside. They know where their home is, where their dog is, where their family and food are:) They always come back:) I know that because of procreation issue we should castrate them, even though my husband does not want to deprive them of their sex:) I thought that if we will castrate them for example: Jeronimo will stop to get into fights with other cats. The doctor told us that yes it might happen, but it is not obvious... He can become more calm, and he can be less interested in agressive contacts with another cats, but there is a lot of cases when it simply does not happen... I think that eventually we will neutered them... We have to surrender Jeronimo for FIV virus when he will get better which is a human HIV equivalent, and also FeLV, and FHW. FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), FHW (Feline Heartworm Diseases). Cats who get into risky situation are especially exposed to infect with viruses. I do not want to keep my cats in close... I think that they should be able to go outside. It is a very natural thing, however you need to remember to take a good care of them and make sure to prevent as much as possible all of those cats risky situations and same time all of those diseases... I wish you all best in taking care of your cats!
Have a nice day!
Slawomisia i jej spiace pozy:)
Slawomisia and her sleepy poses:)