Saturday, December 16, 2017

Przerwa swiateczna/Christmas break

Witajcie w grudniu!

Mam nadzieje, ze wszyscy moi Czytelnicy sa juz oczarowani magia swiat!

Ja zaczynam juz czuc klimat swiat... Wlasnie samymi sukcesami zakonczylam semester jesienny na moim uniwersytecie! To byl bardzo, ale to bardzo intensywny semester. Wybralam sobie kombinacje naprawde bardzo zaawansowanych i wymagajacych duzo pracy i wysilku kursow... Mam wrazenie, ze praktycznie nie wychodzilam z ksiazek, ale mam rowniez poczucie zdobycia niezwykle cennej wiedzy szczegolnie w dziedzinie psychologii, ale tez filozofii i nauk politycznych. Napisalam duzo prac, przeczytalam wiele ksiazek i wszystkie moje kursy zakonczylam z wynikiem A, czyli odpowiednikiem polskiej piatki. Chyba tak dobrych ocen i takiego zaangazowania w nauke nie doswiadczylam na studiach w Polsce, ale na takie odczucie moze wplywac fakt, ze w Poslce robilam studia w trybie zaocznym, jednoczesnie pracujac i nie bylam w stanie fizycznie az tak bardzo poswiecic sie nauce jak teraz, kiedy cala moja uwaga skupia sie na szkole... Jestem z siebie dumna, poniewaz moje wyniki w nauce i moje podejscie do edukacji sa zdecydowanie lepsze niz podejscie innych amerykanskich studentow, ktorzy studiuja w swoim jezyku... Jezyk angielski nie jest moim jezykiem ojczystym, ale studia w tym jezyku i moje osiagniecia dodaja mi niezwyklej pewnosci siebie, ze jestem w stanie sobie swietnie poradzic, a nawet funkcjonowac lepiej niz osoby tutaj urodzone i wychowane. Co do zaangazowania w nauke to ja zawsze mialam bardzo powazne podejscie, nie bede juz nawet wspominac o czasach podstawowki, gimnazjum, czy liceum, kiedy to nawet jak imprezowalam to konczylam szkole z czerwonym paskiem. Podczas studiow w Polsce jak juz wspomnialam rownoczesnie pracowalam, wiec czasu bylo malu, rzeczy do zrobienia duzo, a jednak zawsze staralam sie wypelniac swoje obowiazki na najwyzszym poziomie, zbierajac pochwaly... Bazujac na wlasnych obserwacjach wnioskuje, ze taka postawa dzis to rzadkosc... Duzo amerykanskich studentow ma postawe dosc lekcewazaca, co potwierdzila nawet ostatnio moja Pani profesor od filozofii sugerujac, ze kiedy dostaje maile np. od studentow z Azji to sa one przepelnione takim szacunkiem do niej, ze czuje sie jak jakies bostwo, czego nie moze powiedziec o wiekszosci amerykanskich studentow... Mlodzi ludzie sa dzis ewidentnie inni niz kiedys... Z jedej strony czego mozna wymagac od takiego mlodego studenta, ktory o zyciu nie wie jeszcze duzo, ale z drugiej strony widac takie niepokojace cechy w ludziach jak np. brak odpowiedzialnosci, sumiennosci, czy zaangazowania, ktore juz powinny sie uwidaczniac... Takze jesli chodzi o szkole to nic innego jak genialny czas przepelniony sukcesami i inspiracjami! Odwalilam kawal dobrej roboty.

Ja oczywiscie nie proznuje, ledwo co zakonczyl sie intensywny czas w szkole, a ja juz przerzucilam sie na porzadki w domu, wlacznie z malowaniem i malymi remontami... Akurat dobrze sie sklada, bo moj maz wrocil juz z Florydy takze angazuje go w pelni do roboty! :) Choinka juz ubrana, kartki swiateczne juz rozeslane, prezenty juz kupione, a w tym roku na swieta wyjezdzamy do New Jersey, gdzie mieszka wiekszosc rodziny Majka, aby spedzic te swieta z nimi, takze na pewno podziele sie z Wami relacja z polnocno- wschodnich Stanow:) Nie lecimy samolotem, tylko jedziemy... Mimo ze jest to daleko to podjelismy taka decyzje, poniewaz zabieramy psa i bedziemy miec zbyt duzo bagazy, mam tu na mysli glownie prezenty, zeby pakowac sie z tym do samolotu... Pewnie zrobimy sobie przerwe w podrozy gdzies w Chicago, a moze troche dalej... Zobaczymy:)

Nie wiem czy bede miala jeszcze czas, zeby zajrzec tu na bloga przed swietami, dlatego juz dzis chcialam zyczyc wszystkim moim Czytelnikom WESOLYCH SWIAT! :) Spedzajcie milo czas w gronie rodziny, odpoczywajcie i zajadajcie sie tymi wszystkimi swiatecznymi smakolykami! :)  

Pozdrawiam serdecznie!


Rok temu na blogu:

Randka, Wirus Jeronima i Boze Narodzenie nadchodzi!

Grudniowy misz masz i moj wielki powrot na studia!

Kartki swiateczne z Polski i ze swiata:)


Hello in December!

I hope that all my Readers feel already the magic of the Christmas!

I am starting to feel the Christmas spirit already... I just successfully finished fall semester at my University! It was a very intense semester. I chose a very demanding and advanced course combination... I feel like I was not leaving my desk and books at all, but I also feel like I gained precious knowledge especially in psychology, philosophy, and political science fields. I wrote a lot of papers, I read a lot of books, and I finished all my courses with A's which is an equivalent of the Polish five. I don't think I was that involved and I had such good grades when studying in Poland, but important factor that might influences this feeling is that when I was in Polish college I was doing it in "off-mode", extramural studies on the weekends, and same time I was working so I was physically not able to focus so much just on studying. Now it is different, my whole attention is focused towards the school. I am proud of myself because my grades and my attitudes towards education are much better than attitudes of other American students who study in their own language... English is not my native language, but studying in this language and my achievements give me a lot of self- confidence that I am able to do very well and I can function even better than people who were born and raised here. I was always very involved in education, and my attitudes towards it were very serious. I will not be even mentioning elementary school, middle school or high school when even when I was partying I graduated with certificate of completion of the school with distinction. As I mentioned earlier when I was doing college in Poland I was also working the same time. I had obviously a lot of things to do, and so little time, but still I was always trying to fulfill my obligations on the highest possible level, and it usually worked pretty well because I was collecting a lot of praise. Based on my observation I conclude that this kind of attitude is rare today... A lot of American students show disrespectful attitude which was recently confirmed by my Philosophy teacher who said that when she receives e-mails for example from students from Asia she feels like some kind of divinity because they give so much respect and she cannot say such a thing about most of American students... Young people are evidently different than they used to be... On one side, there is not much that you can require from young student who doesn't know much about the life yet, but on the other side you can notice in young people not great features such as: lack of responsibility, scrupulousness or involvement when they already should represent those features... So as far as school goes everything went very well for me! It was a great time filled with successes and inspirations! I think that I did a great job. 

I of course do not waste time. An intense time at school just finished and I already take care of the house! Cleaning, doing small painting, and remodeling... It just happened to be good because my husband came back from Florida so I put him to work! :) Christmas tree is already up, Christmas cards are already sent, and gifts are bought. We spend Christmas this year in New Jersey where most of my husband's family lives. I will make sure to share with you memories from North-Eastern States:) We do not fly, but we drive... It is a long drive, but we made this kind of decision because we want to take our dog, and we will have so much luggage, mostly Christmas gifts so I just don't feel like we want to get on plane with all of these... We will probably make a break from driving somewhere in Chicago or maybe further away:) We will see how it goes...:) 

I am not sure if I will have time to write any post before Christmas so now I want to wish all of my readers MERRY CHRISTMAS! Make sure to spend this time with your family, get some rest and eat all of this delicious food! :)



One year ago on blog: 

Date, Jeronimo's virus and Christmas is coming!

December mish mash and my big come back to college!

Christmas cards from Poland and around the world:)

Profesor od psychologii osobowosci zaserwowal mi taka oto niespodzianke przy okazji ostatniej pracy pisemnej!

Professor of Psychology of Personality surprised me like that with my last written exercise! 

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