Pomyslalam sobie, ze dzis podziele sie z Wami moim doswiadczeniem zwiazanym z nauka angielskiego. Wczoraj uswiadomilam sobie, ze ten jezyk towarzyszy mi nieprzerwanie od 17 lat. Zaczelam sie uczyc angielskiego w pierwszej klasie szkoly podstawowej. Pamietam wszystkich moich nauczycieli angielskiego od tych najbardziej beznadziejnych po tych, ktorzy naprawde pomogli mi nauczyc sie tego jezyka. Kiedy zaczynalam sie uczyc angielskiego we wczesnej szkole podstawowej jeszcze jako dziecko w ogole nie zdawalam sobie sprawy po co wlasciwie ucze sie tego jezyka i jak wspaniala sprawa jest zdolnosc porozumiewania sie jezykiem, dzieki ktoremu moge znalezc sie w kazdym miejscu na ziemi i nie miec najmniejszego problemu z porozumiewaniem sie tam... W szkole wiadomo jak wczesniej wspomnialam bywali rozni nauczyciele, jedni mniej przekonujacy, inni bardziej. Generalnie wszysycy uczyli gramatyki, czytania, pisania, slowek... Jedni mieli lepsze metody, inni gorsze, albo wcale nieskuteczne.... Ja nigdy nie mialam problemow z angielskim, w gimnazjum mialam wlasciwie same piatki i szostki,w liceum czworki, piatki, czasem zdarzaly sie jakies trojki... Zawsze rzetelnie podchodzilam do sprawy i po prostu uczylam sie tak jak mi nakazywano i polecano. Uwazam, ze szkola dala mi mocne podstawy przede wszystkim jesli chodzi o nauke gramatyki i generalnie wiedze o jezyku obcym. Szkola byla miejscem, ktore na roznych etapach nauki w kolko walkowalo to samo i to samo... I po latch wnioskuje, ze to mialo jakis sens, bo po prostu szkola wlozyla mi pewne podstawy, "fundamenty", na ktorych dalej budowalam sobie swoj sukces zwiazny z bieglym poslugiwaniem sie dzis tym jezykiem. Tak jak napisalam... szkola dala mi podstawy, bo angielski w szkole, a angielski w zyciu codziennym to w ogole niebo, a ziemia. Szkola nigdy nie nauczy nas jezyka tak jak to wyglada w realnym zyciu... ale to nie do konca wina szkoly, nie ma ona w koncu realnych mozliwosci ku temu. W szkolach publicznych jest mnostwo uczniow o zroznicowanym poziomie wiedzy i zdolnosciach, podzial na grupy, grupy czesto przepelnione... Owszem mozna by dazyc do idealu i probowac zmienic to, ale jak realnie to wyglada kazdy kto uczyl sie w szkole publicznej wie... Uwazam, ze szkola robi swoje, ale co nam zostaje do zrobienia do inna bajka... Jesli naprawde chce sie nauczyc jezyka, byc w stanie poslugiwac sie nim biegle to tak jak we wszystko, w czym chce byc sie dobrym trzeba wlozyc duzo pracy od siebie. Ze mna wygladalo to tak... Uczeszczalam na korepetycje, ktore na pewno duzo mi daly. Systematycznie poswiecalam bardzo duzo czasu na nauke roznych slowek. Uczylam sie slowek zupelnie innych niz w danym czasie w szkole. Posiadanie zasobu slownictwa uwazam, ze jest niezwykle wazne, czasem wazniejsze niz znajomosc gramatyki. Naprawde z wlasnego doswiadczenia polecam Wam, uczccie sie slowek! U mnie wygladalo to tak... Potrafilam otworzyc sobie slownik polsko angielski albo angielsko polsi wybieralam np. litere P i wypisywalam sobie 10 slowek kazdego dnia, rozpoczynajacych sie na te litere i po prostu czytalam, wkuwalam, powtarzalam ile wejdzie... Kolejna niezwykle wazna sprawa i klucz do sukcesu to mowic po angielsku, nie bac sie i nie wstydzic, bo to zaprocentuje! Zastanawialam sie kiedy ja przelamalam bariere jezykowa i zaczelam swobodnie mowic po angielsku... Szczerze mowiac nie pamietam dokladnie kiedy to sie stalo... Pamietam, ze kiedy bylam w gimnazjum odwiedzil nas wujek Szwed, z ktorym juz wtedy rozmawialam po angielsku, lepiej, gorzej, ale mowilam...:) Gdy mialam 16 lat poszlam do pierwszej wakacyjnej pracy w McDonaldzie, do ktorego przychodzilo dosc duzo obcokrajowcow. Nie mialam wyjscia, musialam sie z nimi jakos dogadac, w zwiazku z czym znowu proces przelamywania bariery jezykowej szedl na przod. Kolejna sprawa to rozne wyjazdy zagraniczne podczas ktorych rowniez uzywalam jezyka angielskiego. Uwazam, ze wszystkich obcokrajowcow, ktorych jezykiem ojczystym nie jest angielski, jest duzo latwiej zrozumiec, gdyz oni tez uczyli sie jezyka i czesto ich angielski nie jest az tak perfekcyjny. Jednkaze duzo wiecej skorzystamy, kiedy w procesie uczenia sie jezyka obcujemy z Amerykanami lub Anglikami, w koncu to ich rodzimy jezyk i oni najlepiej wiedza jak sie powinno poprawnie mowic. Oczywiscie sluchanie piosenek po angielsku, ogladanie filmow tez robi swoje... Mysle, ze te wszystkie rzeczy, ktore wyzej wymienilam doprowadzily mnie do momentu, kiedy uzywanie tego jezyka stalo sie dla mnie czyms zupelnie naturalnym, bezstresowym... Pamietam rowniez taki moment, kiedy juz zaczelam swobodnie mowic po angielsku, ale czasem wlasnie brakowalo mi SLOWEK. Wtedy nauczylam sie zastepowac brakujace mi slowo, innym slowem, albo definicja... Jest to jakies wyjscie, ludzie to robia, ale mysle ze w gruncie rzeczy slabe to jest... Powinnismy sie uczyc jeszcze raz SLOWEK, SLOWEK I SLOWEK! Kiedy przylecialam pierwszy raz do Stanow poslugiwalam sie angielskim bardzo swobodnie. Kiedys rowniez stresowala mnie trudnosc w zrozumieniu akcentu native speakerow, ale szybko to przeszlo... Im czesciej i wiecej przebywa sie w ich otoczeniu, tym bardziej czlowiek sie przyzwyczaja. Mojemu sercu zawsze blizsza byla amerykanska wersja jezyka angielskiego, kiedy to w szkolach wpaja nam sie brytyjski. Uwazam, ze amerykanski jest prostszy, fajniejszy, lepiej brzmi. Szczerze to nigdy nie podobal mi sie brytyjski akcent. Uwazam, ze Anglicy mowia tak, jakby polkneli wlasnie ziemniaka. Brytyjski akcent w Stanach jest obiektem powszechnych zartow, co czesto mozna zauwazyc na filmach. My z moim mezem czasem tez w ramach zartu wymawiamy jakies slowko z brytyjskim akcentem. Poza tym Anglicy sa przewrazliwieni na punkcie gramatyki i generalnie poprawnosci jezykowej... W Stanach hulaj dusza piekla nie ma... Tu nikt za bardzo nie przywiazuje do tego wagi, tak dlugo jak sami siebie Amerykanie wzajemnie rozumieja. Czesto mieszaja czasy... Taki przyklad na szybko miksowanie past simple z present perfect, notoryczna sprawa, ktora zapewne obrazilaby Brytyjczyka. Moj maz, mowi ze pod wzgledem gramatyki ja mowie lepiej niz nie jeden Amerykanin. Z tego co slyszalam to Brytyjczycy czesto sie obrazaja kiedy ich akcent wymawia sie niepoprawnie... W Stanach rozne akcenty sa powszechnie kochane! No moze z wyjatkiem meksykanskiego i brytyjskiego akcentu. Jak Stany sa dlugie i szerokie, tak wiele w nich roznych akcentow! O roznicach w brytyjskim i amerykanskim zapewne wiecie. Nie bede ich tu opisywac kazdy sobie moze o nich poczytac w necie. Nie sa to jakies ogromne roznice, ale sa. Kiedy mieszka sie w kraju, taki jak Stany, czy Wielka Brytania, na codzien obcuje sie z rodowitymi mieszkancami, pracuje sie tam, chodzi sie do szkoly, ma sie znajomych Amerykanow, czy Anglikow to po prostu nie sposob nie nauczyc sie angielskiego bardzo dobrze... To po prostu naturalnie przychodzi, ze ten jezyk staje sie dla nas niemalze jak nasz rodowity jezyk... Ze mna stalo sie dokladnie tak samo. Jestem tutaj juz ponad rok i uwazam, ze przez ten rok mimo ze wczesniej mowilam po angielsku bez wiekszych problemow, to ten rok bardzo wzbogacil moj jezyk angielski. Przede wszystkim posluguje sie tym jezykiem dziennie na pewno wiecej niz jezykiem polskim w chwili obecnej, jest to oczywiste, poniewaz moj maz jest Amerykaninem,a takze osoba, z ktora spedzam najwiecej czasu codziennie rozmawiamy tylko po angielsku... On bardzo wiele mnie nauczyl. Przede wszystkim mysle, ze przejelam jego styl mowienia, slownictwo, ktorego on uzywa, sposob w jaki mowi po angielsku... Bardzo czesto kiedy nawet teraz ja ucze sie slowek ze slownikiem, potem weryfikuje ich znaczenie z moim mezem, ktory czesto tworzy mi definicje do danego slowa. Bedac w Stanach, wszelkie sytuacje typowo zyciowe zmuszaja do zapamietywania nowych slow... Zalatwianie spraw w urzedach, wizyty u lekarza, powoduja, ze sila rzeczy czlowiek uczy sie specyficznego, bardziej zaawansowanego slownictwa dla danej dziedziny... Rozmowy z native speakerami sa bezcenne w nauce jezyka obcego i to one daja nam najwiecej! W ogole bycie czescia kultury amerykanskiej, angielskiej to gwarantowany sposob na nauke jezyka angielskiego. Jesli natomiast nie kazdy ma mozliwosc, albo nie kazdy chce az tak bezposrednio obcowac z USA albo Wielka Brytania, bo np. pracuje w Polsce, ale w pracy angielski jest potrzebny, wtedy moje wskazowki sa nastepujace: Korepetycje najlepiej z native speakerami w Warszawie jest wiele mozliwosci ku temu, na pewno w innych miastach tez. Mowic, mowic i jeszcze raz mowic! Mowienie pozwoli nam przelamac bariere jezykowa. Uczcie sie slownictwa! Jest wiele stron internetowych, gdzie znajdziecie slownictwo mniej i bardziej zaawanswane, podzielone tematycznie, do wyboru, do koloru. Czytajcie ksiazki po angielsku, sluchajcie muzyki, ogladajcie filmy po angielsku, bez napisow. Odkad jestem w Stanach i mam wiecej czasu, ogladam bardzo duzo amerykanskich filmow. Systematycznie przypominajcie sobie gramatyke... Ja tak robilam. Uwazam, ze nalezy powtarzac co jakis czas zasady gramatyczne, poniewaz szczegolnie kiedy nie uzywa sie jezyka codziennie, to po prostu zapomina sie... W dzisiejszych czasach trzeba uczyc sie caly czas... To juz nie czasy, kiedy konczylo sie studia, szlo sie do pracy i tak zycie przelecialo... Dzis nalezy rozwijac sie caly czas i najlepiej wielokierunkowo. To rowniez dotyczy jezyka angielskigo. Uwazam, ze jesli nie mieszka sie w anglojezycznym kraju i nie ma mozliwosci naturalnego obcowania z jezykiem angielskim, nalezy dolozyc staran, aby nawet bedac w Polsce nie stracic wprawy w mowieniu, nie pozwolic sobie na zapominanie... Nalezy caly czas robic wszystko, zeby miec z tym jezykiem kontakt, caly czas praktykowac. Jezyki obce to naprawde ogromny skarb i wspaniala inwestycja w przyszlosc! Bardzo wazne jest rowniez nastawienie i odpowiednia motywacja. Ja pamietam, ze nauka angielskiego byla dla mnie pewnego rodzaju hobby, a nawet relaksem. Teraz kilka slow o polskim akcencie, ktory uwazam, ze jest mocny i paskudny! Ja spotykam sie z powszechnym uwielbieniem mojego akcentu wsrod Amerykanow, jednakze wkladam bardzo duzo pracy w to, zeby moj akcent nie byl az tak mocny, jak to u wielu Polakow jest, szczegolnie tych starszych, ktorzy mieszkaja w Stanach juz bardzo dlugo... Ja przywiazuje duza wage do akcentu... Jednak wiele osob mowi i wlasciwie to ma racje, akcent to szczegol, kosmetyka... Najwazniejsze, zeby swobodnie komunikowac sie w danym jezyku, a akcent zawsze bedzie... Tego sie trzymajmy, ale mimo wszystko uwazam, ze fajnie by bylo gdyby ten nasz akcent nie byl az tak slyszalny i zauwazalny... Zupelnie personalnie razi mnie to. Tymi o to wyzej wymienionymi sposobami ja nauczylam sie jezyka angielskiego:) Sprawdzilo sie to i oplacilo sie:) Polecam sprobowac!
Milego dnia Wszystkim!
Today I thought that I will share with you my learning English experience. Yesterday I realized that this language is with me for 17 years. I started to learn English in first grade of elementary school. I remember all of my English teachers, those who were the most hopeless and the others who really helped me to learn English. When I was at the beginning of the English learning process, in early elementary school, I was not really realizing why do I actually learn English and how wonderful is to be able to speak the language that gives an opportunity to communicate no matter where in the world you currently are... As I mentioned before, school had different teachers, some of them were convenient, some of them were not, but generally they all were teaching grammar, reading, writing, and words... Some of the teachers had better methods, some of them worse, another had completely ineffective methods. I have never had English problems and my middle school grades were actually pretty good as A and B. High school grades were also good too, I was getting there A, B, sometimes C. I always honestly approached the matter. I was simply learning as it was recommended and order as well. I think that school gave me a strong base especially for a grammar and general knowledge about the foreign language. This school was a place where everyone was on different levels we were repeated same stuff all over again... I concluded over years that it made a sense. School gave me strong base and foundation, where I was building on my success related to me being able to speak English fluently today. As I mentioned before... school gave me a base... because English in school and English in real life are completely two different things. School will never teach us a language as it really looks in the life... It is not exactly a school's fault, because school does not have real opportunities to do that... Public schools students have different skills and different levels of knowledge. There are also divisions into groups and groups are usually overloaded, of course we could try to achieve a perfection but everybody who went through the public school in Poland knows how it really looks... I think that school does her job but this what we should do is another story... If you really want to learn English and being able to speak this language fluently, you need to put lot of work as with everything as you want to be good at... My case was like this... I was attempting to receive private lessons, which for sure gave me a lot. I was systematically learning new words. I was learning completely different words than this time in school. I think that vocabulary is even sometimes more important then grammar. Based on my experience I highly recommend you all to learn words! I used to open a Polish English or English Polish dictionary and I was choosing the letter for example P. Then I was writing out 10 words which start on this letter and I simply was reading, memorizing and repeating many times... Another very important thing in learning English process is to speak English! You should not be scared, you should not be ashamed because speaking English even at the beginning with mistakes will bring you lot of benefits! I was thinking when I broke down the language barrier and I started comfortably speak English... Honestly I do not exactly remember when it happened... I remember that when I was in the middle school my uncle from Sweden came and I was able to talk to him... Better or worse but still I was speaking with him. My first summer job was at McDonalds, when I was 16years old, which was visited by many foreign people so I was simply forced to talk to them. Again the process of breaking down the language barrier was improving. Another thing was also that I used to travel in Europe and I had to communicate in English. I think that all of foreign people who are not an English native speakers are easier to understand, because they also had to learn English and very often there English is not that perfect. It is obvious that we will get more benefits when in English learning process we will be around American or British people, at the end it is their native language and they know best how to speak. Listening songs and watching TV in English is very good for us too... I think that all of the things that I mentioned above brought me to the point where using English was natural and not stressful anymore... I remember the moment when I started freely speak English but sometimes I had luck of words and I was replacing some words with other words or I was making definitions... It is kind of solution, people do this but I think that it is weak and not that good... Once again we should learn WORDS, WORDS, AND WORDS! When I first time came to the US, I was speaking English freely. I used to be stressed out and had a hard time understanding native speakers, but it has passed in time... The more often you are staying in their environment, the more you get used to it. My heart was always nearer to the American version of English then British, which we are learned at school. I think that the American version is easier, cooler, and sounds better. I have never liked British English, I think that British people speak as if they just swallowed a potato. The British accent is an universal object of jokes, what is noticeable especially in the movies. My husband and I sometimes also make jokes of British accent and say some words with this strange accent. Moreover British people are oversensitive of grammar and generally linguistic correctness. Here in the US is whatever... Here no one pays attention as long as even American people can understand each other. Americans mix tenses... A fast example might be mixing past simple and present perfect. They do it all the time and probably it would offend a British men. My husband says that my grammar is better then not one American native men grammar. I heard that a lot of British people get offended when foreign people pronounce their accent not properly... In the US different accents are universally loved! Maybe expect for Mexican and British accent. As the States are big and long that many different accents is there! You surly know about differences between American and British English. I will not be describing them here, because everybody can read it online. Differences are not big but they still exist. It is simply impossible to not learn English when you permanently live in the countries as United States or United Kingdom and you are between native speakers, working, studying, having American or British friends... It naturally comes that we start to use English as almost our native language... It happened to me too. I am here more then one year and despite the fact that I did not have a bigger problem speak English before, this year improved my English very much. First of all I daily speak more often English then Polish. It is kind of obvious thing especially if my husband is an American. He is the one that I spend most of the time with and we speak just English... He taught me a lot, I adopted his speaking style, vocabulary, and the way he speaks English... I still learn new English words with dictionary and then I verify their meanings with my husband who often makes me look up words definitions. Being in the US means being a part of every day life here, which forces to memorize new words... Errands in different offices, visiting doctors cause that we learn new, advanced, specific for different fields words... Conversations with native speakers are priceless and they give us the biggest benefits! Generally being a part of an American or British culture is a guaranteed way to learn English. If not everyone has an opportunity or not everyone wants to associate with an American or British culture that much because for example she or he works in Poland but in work English is needed I will have for you some advises. You need to have private lessons with native speakers. Warsaw has many opportunities for this. I bet other cities also have this opportunity. SPEAK, SPEAK AND SPEAK ONCE AGAIN! Speaking will let you break down a language barrier. You need to learn vocabulary! Online there are many websites with more and less advanced vocabulary, divided into different topics. Read English books, listen music, watch movies without subtitles. Since I am in the US and I have more time I have watched many American movies. Systematically you need to bring to mind a grammar... This is what I used to do. I think that repeating English grammar is very important, because especially when you don't use a language often, you simply forget... Today you need to learn all the time... It is not the time when people used to graduate from college, go to work and life has passed... Today we need to develop ourselves all the time and best complexly. It also concerns English. I think that if someone does not live in English-speaking country and has no natural opportunity to associate with English this person even during permanent living in Poland should put a lot of effort to not forget, lose practice and skills. People should do everything to practice and have a real contact with this language. Foreign languages are big treasures and very good investments for the future! Right attitudes and motivation are very important. I remember that learning English was my hobby and same time a relaxation. Now I plan to write something about a Polish accent which I think is strong and ugly! Americans love my accent, but I put lot of effort to make this accent softer, not as strong as lot of Polish people, especially older people have who live in America for a very long time... I pay lot of attention to the accent... Many people say that an accent is a detail and apparently they are right it is not that important. An accent is a cosmetic issue... The most important thing is to be able communicate in English, but accent will be there always... Anyways I would really prefer if our accent would be not that audible and noticeable. It is just my personal opinion. These mentioned above methods let me to learn English:) It worked and it paid off:) I recommend you to try it!
Have a nice day everyone!
Milego dnia Wszystkim!
Today I thought that I will share with you my learning English experience. Yesterday I realized that this language is with me for 17 years. I started to learn English in first grade of elementary school. I remember all of my English teachers, those who were the most hopeless and the others who really helped me to learn English. When I was at the beginning of the English learning process, in early elementary school, I was not really realizing why do I actually learn English and how wonderful is to be able to speak the language that gives an opportunity to communicate no matter where in the world you currently are... As I mentioned before, school had different teachers, some of them were convenient, some of them were not, but generally they all were teaching grammar, reading, writing, and words... Some of the teachers had better methods, some of them worse, another had completely ineffective methods. I have never had English problems and my middle school grades were actually pretty good as A and B. High school grades were also good too, I was getting there A, B, sometimes C. I always honestly approached the matter. I was simply learning as it was recommended and order as well. I think that school gave me a strong base especially for a grammar and general knowledge about the foreign language. This school was a place where everyone was on different levels we were repeated same stuff all over again... I concluded over years that it made a sense. School gave me strong base and foundation, where I was building on my success related to me being able to speak English fluently today. As I mentioned before... school gave me a base... because English in school and English in real life are completely two different things. School will never teach us a language as it really looks in the life... It is not exactly a school's fault, because school does not have real opportunities to do that... Public schools students have different skills and different levels of knowledge. There are also divisions into groups and groups are usually overloaded, of course we could try to achieve a perfection but everybody who went through the public school in Poland knows how it really looks... I think that school does her job but this what we should do is another story... If you really want to learn English and being able to speak this language fluently, you need to put lot of work as with everything as you want to be good at... My case was like this... I was attempting to receive private lessons, which for sure gave me a lot. I was systematically learning new words. I was learning completely different words than this time in school. I think that vocabulary is even sometimes more important then grammar. Based on my experience I highly recommend you all to learn words! I used to open a Polish English or English Polish dictionary and I was choosing the letter for example P. Then I was writing out 10 words which start on this letter and I simply was reading, memorizing and repeating many times... Another very important thing in learning English process is to speak English! You should not be scared, you should not be ashamed because speaking English even at the beginning with mistakes will bring you lot of benefits! I was thinking when I broke down the language barrier and I started comfortably speak English... Honestly I do not exactly remember when it happened... I remember that when I was in the middle school my uncle from Sweden came and I was able to talk to him... Better or worse but still I was speaking with him. My first summer job was at McDonalds, when I was 16years old, which was visited by many foreign people so I was simply forced to talk to them. Again the process of breaking down the language barrier was improving. Another thing was also that I used to travel in Europe and I had to communicate in English. I think that all of foreign people who are not an English native speakers are easier to understand, because they also had to learn English and very often there English is not that perfect. It is obvious that we will get more benefits when in English learning process we will be around American or British people, at the end it is their native language and they know best how to speak. Listening songs and watching TV in English is very good for us too... I think that all of the things that I mentioned above brought me to the point where using English was natural and not stressful anymore... I remember the moment when I started freely speak English but sometimes I had luck of words and I was replacing some words with other words or I was making definitions... It is kind of solution, people do this but I think that it is weak and not that good... Once again we should learn WORDS, WORDS, AND WORDS! When I first time came to the US, I was speaking English freely. I used to be stressed out and had a hard time understanding native speakers, but it has passed in time... The more often you are staying in their environment, the more you get used to it. My heart was always nearer to the American version of English then British, which we are learned at school. I think that the American version is easier, cooler, and sounds better. I have never liked British English, I think that British people speak as if they just swallowed a potato. The British accent is an universal object of jokes, what is noticeable especially in the movies. My husband and I sometimes also make jokes of British accent and say some words with this strange accent. Moreover British people are oversensitive of grammar and generally linguistic correctness. Here in the US is whatever... Here no one pays attention as long as even American people can understand each other. Americans mix tenses... A fast example might be mixing past simple and present perfect. They do it all the time and probably it would offend a British men. My husband says that my grammar is better then not one American native men grammar. I heard that a lot of British people get offended when foreign people pronounce their accent not properly... In the US different accents are universally loved! Maybe expect for Mexican and British accent. As the States are big and long that many different accents is there! You surly know about differences between American and British English. I will not be describing them here, because everybody can read it online. Differences are not big but they still exist. It is simply impossible to not learn English when you permanently live in the countries as United States or United Kingdom and you are between native speakers, working, studying, having American or British friends... It naturally comes that we start to use English as almost our native language... It happened to me too. I am here more then one year and despite the fact that I did not have a bigger problem speak English before, this year improved my English very much. First of all I daily speak more often English then Polish. It is kind of obvious thing especially if my husband is an American. He is the one that I spend most of the time with and we speak just English... He taught me a lot, I adopted his speaking style, vocabulary, and the way he speaks English... I still learn new English words with dictionary and then I verify their meanings with my husband who often makes me look up words definitions. Being in the US means being a part of every day life here, which forces to memorize new words... Errands in different offices, visiting doctors cause that we learn new, advanced, specific for different fields words... Conversations with native speakers are priceless and they give us the biggest benefits! Generally being a part of an American or British culture is a guaranteed way to learn English. If not everyone has an opportunity or not everyone wants to associate with an American or British culture that much because for example she or he works in Poland but in work English is needed I will have for you some advises. You need to have private lessons with native speakers. Warsaw has many opportunities for this. I bet other cities also have this opportunity. SPEAK, SPEAK AND SPEAK ONCE AGAIN! Speaking will let you break down a language barrier. You need to learn vocabulary! Online there are many websites with more and less advanced vocabulary, divided into different topics. Read English books, listen music, watch movies without subtitles. Since I am in the US and I have more time I have watched many American movies. Systematically you need to bring to mind a grammar... This is what I used to do. I think that repeating English grammar is very important, because especially when you don't use a language often, you simply forget... Today you need to learn all the time... It is not the time when people used to graduate from college, go to work and life has passed... Today we need to develop ourselves all the time and best complexly. It also concerns English. I think that if someone does not live in English-speaking country and has no natural opportunity to associate with English this person even during permanent living in Poland should put a lot of effort to not forget, lose practice and skills. People should do everything to practice and have a real contact with this language. Foreign languages are big treasures and very good investments for the future! Right attitudes and motivation are very important. I remember that learning English was my hobby and same time a relaxation. Now I plan to write something about a Polish accent which I think is strong and ugly! Americans love my accent, but I put lot of effort to make this accent softer, not as strong as lot of Polish people, especially older people have who live in America for a very long time... I pay lot of attention to the accent... Many people say that an accent is a detail and apparently they are right it is not that important. An accent is a cosmetic issue... The most important thing is to be able communicate in English, but accent will be there always... Anyways I would really prefer if our accent would be not that audible and noticeable. It is just my personal opinion. These mentioned above methods let me to learn English:) It worked and it paid off:) I recommend you to try it!
Have a nice day everyone!
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ReplyDeleteFajne masz doświadczenie z nauką języka angielskiego muszę przyznać. Ja jestem teraz zapisana na biznesowy kurs języka angielskiego https://lincoln.edu.pl/warszawa/jezyk-angielski/kurs-angielskiego-business-english i już nie mogę się doczekać pierwszych lekcji. Mam małe zaległości, ale myślę, że nie będzie wcale tak źle.
ReplyDeleteBardzo fajny wpis. Pozdrawiam
ReplyDeleteSam nalezę do osób które bardzo chętnie uczą się języków obcych w tym również języka angielskiego. Dlatego bardzo cenię sobie także korzystanie ze specjalnej aplikacji https://www.jezykiobce.pl/s/102/aplikacja-do-nauki-angielskiego dzięki której bez najmniejszego problemu jestem w stanie uczyć się języka angielskiego wtedy kiedy tylko mam na to czas.
ReplyDeleteZdecydowanie najlepiej jest się uczyć języka angielskiego na wyjeździe, no ale nie każdy z nas ma takie możliwości. Ja jestem zdania, że dobrym pomysłem jest puszczenie dziecka do szkoły językowej. O tum jak wybrać tą najlepszą napisano w http://chichotkitrzpiotki.pl/2020/08/szkola-jezyka-angielskiego-dla-dzieci-ja-wybrac-zaczac.html i polecam każdemu lekturę tego wpisu.
ReplyDeleteBardzo ciekawie to zostało opisane. Będę tu zaglądać.
ReplyDeleteMuszę przyznać, że jeśli chodzi o samą naukę języka angielskiego to jest to bardzo fajna sprawa. Jak czytałem niedawno na stronie https://rodzinazeszczecina.pl/2020/09/28/gdzie-poslac-dziecko-na-lekcje-angielskiego/ to już nawet wiem gdzie mogę wysłać moje dziecko na naukę języka angielskiego.
ReplyDeleteNaprawdę bardzo fajnie napisano. Jestem pod wrażeniem.
ReplyDeleteAkurat teraz już również moje dzieci chodzą na kurs języka angielskiego i jak zauważam to bardzo im się to podoba. Muszę przyznać, że również to co napisano w https://earlystage.pl/blog/2020/09/25/fiszki-do-nauki-angielskiego-dla-dzieci/ sprawia, iż wiem jakie fiszki z angielskiego będą najlepsze dla naszych dzieci.
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