Sunday, November 22, 2015

Dzien w Panama City Beach. 'Ripley's Believe It or Not'!/Day in Panama City Beach. 'Ripley's Believe It or Not!'

W piatek odwiedzilam w pracy, w Panama City Beach mojego meza. Jest juz wlasciwie koncowka listopada, a u nas pogoda jak na zalaczonych ponizej zdjeciach... Z jednej strony chcialabym juz leciec do Polski, zeby odwiedzic rodzine i znajomych, ale z drugiej strony jak sobie pomysle, ze mielibysmy leciec w srodku zimy to ogarnia mnie depresja na mysl opuszczenia tego raju i wylotu do szarej, ponurej, zimnej Polski... Uwielbiam Floryde, cieplo i wieczne slonce! :) Po poludniu odwiedzilismy 'Ripley's Believe It or Not!' w Panama City Beach. Jest to miejsce, cos w rodzaju muzeum w ktorym mozna zobaczyc najdziwniejsze rzeczy swiata np. lisa z dwoma glowami, figure najwyzszego mezczyzny swiata, figure mezczyzny. ktory przezyl atak rekinow, wraz z jego ranami, model TITANICA wraz z gora lodowa, ktore obrazuja jakiej wielkosci byl TITANIC i w jakiej wielkosci gore lodowa uderzyl, rekonstrukcje dostajacej sie wody na poklad TITANICA, wode o temperaturze Atlantyku w dniu zatoniecia TITANICA, w ktorej mozna zamoczyc np. palec, szecionoga zabe, ludzi o trzech nogach, portret Johna Kennediego z klawiszy klawiatury, mezczyzne z dwoma zrenicami i wiele wiele innych + interaktywne atrakcje... Bedac w Ripley's odwiedzilismy labirynt lustrzany... Labirynt, w ktorym spokojnie mozna sie zgubic, zwlaszcza, ze wszedzie widzi sie swoje odbicia lustrzane... Ja ciagle widzialam Majka, ktorego probowalam zlapac za reke i obijalam sie o lustra, bo to nie byl ten prawdziwy Majk :D Zalozycielem 'Ripley's Believe It or Not!' byl Robert L. Ripley (1890-1949) odkrywca, badacz, poszukiwacz przygod, kolekcjoner, ktory w ciagu 35 lat odwiedzil 201 krajow, poszukujac nadzwyczajnych, najdziwniejszych, niewyjasnionych zjawisk i obiektow.

I visited my husband at his work on Friday in Panama City Beach. It is actually the end of November and the weather here is as on following pictures...  I would like to fly to Poland on the one hand to see my family and friends, but on the other hand when I think that we would visit Poland in winter time it makes me depressed that we could leave this paradise and go to gray, grim, and cold Poland... I love Florida, warm and eternal sun! :) After his work we went to 'Ripley's Believe It or Not!' in Panama City Beach. It is kind of museum where you can see the oddest stuff from entire world for example: two headed fox, a figure of the tallest man in the world, a figure of a  wounded man who survived shark attack, a model of the TITANIC with the iceberg, which shows what size TITANIC was and the size of iceberg where TITANIC hit, Atlantic water at a same temperature as on day where TITANIC sank, where you can put your finger to check this out, six-legged frog, three-legged people, computer keyboard portrait of John Kennedy, man with two pupils and many others + interactive attractions... We went to mirror maze during our visit at Ripley's... At this maze you can easily get lost, especially that everywhere you see your mirror reflections... I was seeing Mike's reflections everywhere and I was trying to touch him, but I was hitting mirrors all the time because it was not a real Mike :D The founder of Ripley's Believe It or Not was Robert L. Ripley (1890-1949). He was explorer, reporter, adventurer, collector, who traveled to 201 countries in 35 years, seeking the oddest, the most unusual, and the most unexplained things.


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